I will find a photo of me later. But you will be able to see me in both of the kids pictures.
The 2 pics below are of my grand daughters.
The first picture is of Shantell Nicole, almost 3. Now she is 9 going on 10 later this year.
The second picture is of Ashlyn Elizabeth, almost 1. Now she is 5 and gong into first grade next year.

To tell you about myself. I am now single and have been married to two very nice women. From my ex'es I have had three awsome daughters and a stepson. And now three wonderful grand daughters and a grandson.
I have been driving truck for the last 29 years and have gone almost 2,000,000 miles over my career.
I have driven several different types including log trucks, heavy equipment transport trucks and flatbeds, refers, doubles, triples, stepdecks, maxi's, double produce, and others.

I have worked for 4 different companys and with 2 of them have spent almost 25 years between them.
I am currently no longer employed due to health problems which has caused me to have a perminent trach tube installed so I can breathe. I am on VA pension right now and hope to find a way to still be able to function in the real world.
One, actually my favorite beverage is Coke-cola. I would rather do with out than to drink the P_ p _i beverage.

The pot of gold is a sign of wealth. I do not have the wealth except in knowledge, and often I spout off with no thought and lots of little known words that are not found in any dictionary. They say knowledge is dangerous and I say that at times I am educated beyond my education.

The money bag is a sign of good things to come and just like everyone else I hope for the best in all things.

the sign of yin/yan is the sign of patience and wisdome. I have some of both on many subjects and little or none on others that are often important to others.

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