
On March 9th, 1998, the Connecticut Society of Perfusion held a meeting where several topics of interest were actively discussed, and society officer selection took place for the 1998 to year 2000 term. My name is David Rosinski, and I have been elected president for the next two years. Fortunately, the officers for vice president, secretary and treasurer are returning members from the previous two years, and I am confident they won’t let me mess things up too bad. Doug Hart from St. Rapheal’s Hospital will remain as Vice President, Tim Dutton of Yale will continue as Secretary, and Mike Smith whom we all know from Quinnipiac College will remain as Treasurer. I would like to thank all three of these people along with our first society President, Randy Push also of St. Rapheal’s, for embarking on the initial attempts at forming a state society. To our benefit they have been quite successful. And we have John Ravi from Hartford Hospital as our state liaison to represent us at the AmSECT government relations committee.

I am the clinical chief at Hartford Hospital, and I am looking forward to working with Doug, Tim, Mike and John to make the state society a worthwhile endeavor. We are very interested in serving in the best interests of every perfusionist in Connecticut whether you are a CSP member or not. This is where you (Conn. perfusionists) come in. On Monday, March 9th, attendance at the society meeting was of the usual people, eight in all. Regardless we pressed forward and as I said, had some fun and constructive discussion. In order to move further into the future of this state society, we are going to need greater participation from state perfusionists. I am interested in moving forward with the support of the state. In doing so, greater involvement from you will make our next steps efficient and productive for all. The officers and I are interested in hearing all sides to an issue prior to taking action and in so doing wish to pull the state perfusionists together to reach common goals.

With that said, I am going to outline some of the things we have in mind as well as some of what we discussed on the 9th. We discussed state licensure at some length, and most feel it is appropriate to move in this direction. We plan to reach out to all the perfusionists in state to gain your perspectives by active dialogue. We discussed organizing a perfusionist labor pool for the state of cross trained individuals who in a relatively short period of time can provide staffing support where needed, and be appropriately compensated for their effort. We are interested in forming a journal club to meet (perhaps biannually) to review relative topics of interest either clinically or professionally. We are also interested in having the ability to share information or get clinical direction from the various perfusionists in state as an overall clinical resource. I am going to try an elicit greater attendance at society meetings, and yes, increase our funds by collecting dues. Believe it or not, there are associated business expenses with the state society.

I have not spoken with anyone who has an overt non state society interest which to me is encouraging. We are somewhat organized in a way of thinking within the state that is consistent with professional growth and stability.

Anyone can contact me with any issue by leaving a message at 860-545-2931, or feel free to contact any of the other society officers.

We’ll be in touch! David J Rosinski CCP