Welcome to Grubb's Quality Homes |
Hi, David and I (Linda) live in the country near Current River. We are school teachers. David teaches in Gifted Classes.; He works with students from First to Tweveth Grade. David has taught for 20 years. I teach Second grade and have taught for ten years. |
We have many hobbies. Some of David's hobbies are hunting, fishing, reading, and building and remodling log houses (reason for the title of our page). My hobbies are reading, sewing, knitting, crocheting, and quilting.We both enjoy playing with our four grandchildren. |
David's Great Grandfather came to this area in 1894. My grandfather came from Germany to settle here in the early 1900's. |
Check out a log house David has built.  Click here to see a picture. |
Up dated July 15, 2008 |
E-Mail...David and Linda |