MARK L. WRENN 27 Montclair Dr. Fairview Heights, IL 62208 (618) 397-1421 TECHNICAL ENVIRONMENT HP9000, HP/UX, Windows NT/98/95, IBM AIX, Tandem, DEC VAX/VMS, Pascal, Oracle, Informix, Non-Stop SQL, C, C++, ADA, Simscript, HTML, Perl, Microstrategy DSS, Cold Fusion, Fortran, MS Office, MS PowerPoint, MS Project MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENT * Collected information and generated formal performance reviews for all team members on a quarterly basis. These included justification for promotions and reasons for disciplinary action with recommendations for improvement. Initiated informal recognition when superior performance warranted it. * Produced monthly resource forecasting reports, to indicate amount of work to be completed versus resources available. This was used to justify hiring or rotating temporary resources to a project. Produced job descriptions and conducted interviews when hiring was justified. * Produced a project plan at the proper stage in the software development life cycle. This included information to track the schedule as well as the project budget. A good portion of my personal performance reviews was being on schedule and within budgetary constraints. * Negotiated with and managed hardware and software vendors for contractual compliance. Conducted several multi-vendor proposal evaluations and selections. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE INDEPENDENT CONSULTING (12/00-Present) * Proposed and assisted local Library with LAN implementation of new computers. Ongoing software installation and testing support. * Developed and implemented an eCommerce website for local individual. 04/88-12/00 SPRINT CORPORATION Overland Park, KS Kansas City, MO Burlingame, CA SUPERVISOR SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT (03/94-12/00) * Led team of 3 programmers in implementing new data warehousing application. * The system was designed to collect voice network call detail records (CDR) for analysis and query. This involved several million records per day. * Cold Fusion was used on a Windows NT middle tier to receive user requests and generate the queries to the data warehouse. * The users accessed the data via the Corporate Intranet, via secure web pages. * Utilizing the new tool has resulted in faster phone fraud detection, as well as preventing several suicides determined from 911 calls. * Led team of 2 programmers to replace an existing legacy system. * Replaced the Network Management Command and Control system with Nortel Networks. * Performed "build vs. buy" analysis and evaluated several network management software vendors. * Defined, sized and procured production, development and test hardware and software. * Skills utilized include: HPUX, C, Perl and TCL scripting. * Lead team of 4 programmers in developing an application on top of an existing Signaling System 7 (SS7) Management System. * The application was developed using 3-tiered client/server architecture. * Defined, sized and procured hardware platforms for development and testing. * SS7 usage data was collected in an HPUX Oracle database. Extensive database and insert tuning had to be accomplished, as the data rate is several million records per day. * Specific data was then moved to a Windows NT Oracle database. * The Microstrategy Decision Support System (DSS) tool was utilized to provide a flexible web-based data analysis tool to the users to do queries and generate standard and ad-hoc reports. * Led a team of 7 programmers to implement the Facilities Information System (FIS). This application involved correlating Sprint employees, buildings and facilities, and computer resources for purposes of generating department billing for resource and space usage. The application utilized IBM AIX, Oracle, C, FTP and Email and Windows NT. * Led team of 10 programmers to develop a new system to perform the Call Before You Dig (CBYD) functionality. This involved merging a Geographical Information System (GIS) with a ticketing system. Vendor GIS products and data were extensively evaluated for the application, along with methods for field engineers to access the main servers. Windows NT server hardware and Windows NT workstation laptops, for the field were procured and configured. The project used C and C++, proprietary GIS databases, Microsoft SQL Server and Visual C++ for GUI presentation on the users laptops. * Used Microsoft Project for managing all project lifecycles * Participated in Focus Group to architect the total data warehousing strategy for Sprint. SR NETWORK ENGINEER (04/90-03/94) * Led 4 programmers in the maintenance and conversion of the Network Management Command and Control (NMCC) system. This involved utilizing Pascal and VAX Datatrieve to move the application to newer platform and correcting application functionality. * Optimization of the NMCC Control and Preplan functionality decreased the amount of time to apply controls to the network from 15 minutes to less than 1 minute. * Lead team of 6 programmers to develop new version of the NMCC application customized for the U. S. Government user. This involved sizing and procuring new hardware for the government usage and redefining the architecture to provide the Government a segregated view of data. * Participated as Lead Technical Analyst in a task force charged with consolidating Sprint's multiple Network Management Systems. This involved becoming familiar with Total Network Management Network (TMN) standards and the SNMP and CMIP protocols. In completing this analysis, attended several developers' courses for vendor products to include: HP, AT&T, Teknekron and DEC. SR PLANNING ANALYST (04/88-04/90) * Developed Network Modeling applications as part of a team using the VAX/VMS platform and the Compuserve S1032 database product. These applications correlated network data to be utilized by the Network Forecasting Department for allocating Sprint's voice and data network resources. * Performed Business Analyst function to develop requirements and specification development for proposed Sprint systems designed to provide new customer services and enhance the management and control of existing features. 10/86-04/88 GTE GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS Huntsville, AL SR. SYSTEMS ANALYST, VAX SYSTEMS MANAGER (10/86-04/88) 02/84-10/86 TRIAD MICROSYSTEMS, INC. Huntsville, AL DEVELOPMENT MANAGER, VAX SYSTEMS MANAGER (02/84-10/86) 05/78-02/84 UNITED STATES AIR FORCE Various Locations MC-130E INSTRUCTOR NAVIGATOR (05/78-02/84) EDUCATION UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY, 1978 Colorado Springs, CO B.S.-Computer Science ADDITIONAL EDUCATION/CERTIFICATIONS Certifications: DEC VAX Systems Management Training, 11/85 Microstrategy Analysis and Implementation Training, 07/98