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Welcome to the only PC Training site that not only teach every aspect of your computer,but we also SHOW you how it`s done using crisp, clear video, either mpeg clips on CDROM or VHS Tape. Click the Welcome button above to order any of our products.

Don't have much time? Download Learn PC , and pass it along to your friends. Just click on the ebook In our side panel to download information which contains articles on such hardware components as the power supply, the cpu chip and the hard drive. Here you see how to install, clean, upgrade, and diagnose such components. Please visit our PHOTOS PAGE for a huge list of computer parts.

With PC Repair 5.0 you will learn how to identify every component in the computer system. See inside the Hard Drive, look at the Pentium4 CPU, see the inside of the Monitor and the Printer.

You will learn how to recognize all components on the motherboard, including the Memory chips, the cmos battery as well as the IDE drive controllers. Take a good look at the Video Card, and Download this video that displays the Hard Drive in the computer.

After you are able to easily identify all computer components,you will move on to seeing how to install such components as the Hard Drive, the Modem, the RAM and ROM memory, and so much more. After learning to install these components, its imperative that you know how to perform regular cleaning, maintenance and optimizing procedures.

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Its really nice to open your computer and be able identify each and every component inside as well as know the purpose of each. Since just about every household own at least one computer, knowing what should be done when something goes wrong will not only give you recognition and admiration from your relatives and friends,but in most cases will put extra cash in your pockets by helping to solve PC problems. Being able to recognize those components, knowing what to do when a computer won`t boot-up, or optimizing a computer
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Take the time to look around and download samples,read our articles and above all, visit our site often for more updates. Remember,PC Repair is designed to help you get and keep your computer running at keep performance BEFORE something should go wrong. Click the VHS Tape to see just how its done.

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