Happy Halloween!!
Our October quiz features the names of some famous scary movies...all scrambled up!! Can you tell us their names? Great!! Now see how well you can do!!!....

October 1998

1.) enolalwhe

2.) livbslleruet

3.) ltwnhhoige

4.) tecseay?

5.) ehstcrini

6.) joco

7.) girhgtnftih

8.) weaftenoadhdd

9.) triyhdfaeth13

10.) otihmsgtenlarrneemet

Your name

Email address

URL..Website Address(if any)

If you are sure of your answers...then click on a button

We will check you answers and email you your results, if you get less then 10 right.. you can try again!! If you get all ten right your name and/or url will be posted on next page. Answers to previous month quiz will also be posted on next page.

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