This page contains my hobbies and interests. You will find out what I am 'into'.
 Viva Las Vegas!!! Need I say more. My husband and I just got back from this fabulous place!! This was our 4th visit in 2 years. Don't worry we don't have a gambling problem, we just like the sites, sounds and all the action out there. I even hit 7 jackpots!! How about that? It was really strange to see The Sands gone, but I guess that's what they call "progress". Have you been to Las Vegas??Tell meabout your experience. I think everyone should see Las Vegas once in their lifetime. |
 Hollywood!! It's so great to be able to escape reality for awhile and relax with your favorite movie. I also have this hobby of collecting films of several film stars, like John Wayne,(which is my husband's favorite). I would have to say that Elvis movies still have a special place in my heart, especially Blue Hawaii. Have you seen Jim Carrey's Liar, Liar yet..It is soooo funny. a must see movie |
 Hockey...Detroit Redwings!! ..Stanley Cup Champions!!!..AGAIN!!! I never watched hockey as a kid, but my family is really 'into' it. So it was either..learn the game..or stay in my bedroom on hockey I learned the game and have never regreted it. I now have hats, t-shirts, sweatpants, glasses, cups..all with Detroit Redwings on them. Even though the season seems a little long than some sports, I still make it a point to watch every game on TV!! My secondary sport would have to be basketball. I don't watch the games, but my son got me hooked on collecting basketball cards (at least I know some of the players names that way). And of course, I can see Michael Jordon and Shaq in movies, so I know them by sight!!! |
 I am Woman.. need I say more!! Not really, I don't like to shop that often..or sure, I have to go grocery shopping otherwise my family would starve, but that is a necessity!! I do like going to flea markets, garage sales though. You know the saying "Someone elses junk is someone elses treasure"? So far, I haven't found any 'treasure' this summer, but there is still a few more days of summer left!! |
 Surf's Up!!... I usually take about a hour a day and 'surf the net'. I pick a topic of the business opps or HTML help and go from there. You should see my 'favorite places' list. I have about 6 different folders now and its still growing!!! My parents and I are always 'hyperlinking' each other thru Email and ..zap..there it goes into my 'favorite places'. As a webpage designer, I like to look for new and interesting sites. If you know of a site that is fun, different, and interesting..please feel free to Email me a hyperlink!! |
 Strike up the band!! Music has always played a big part of my life. Each member of my family played at least 2 instruments. I grew up listening to country and western music, as it was called back then. I, of course, hated it. What teenager would when you have the 'Beatles' and good old rock and roll to listen too. But as time goes by, taste in music change..Now I love country music and my kids are listening to music that I hate..I guess that is called the Circle of Life. Some of my favorites are Leann Rimes, Garth Brooks, and Reba. Did you see Garth's concert in Central Park?...It was great!! |