Updated March 1, 1998

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Cat Vigil..In memory of those lost

My Bio

I was just 12 weeks old when I came to live with my new family. I was living in the pound when I saw them come in..a women and a young lady. I thought.."this is my chance to be adopted", so I decided to put on the charm!! But how could I get them to notice me??? They were looking around for quite some time but still hadn't noticed me.. then the young lady turned her back on me. I decided to reach thru the cage and tap her on her back. She felt my touch and turned around. I then immediately went into my act of purring, kissing, and playful biting, but they left and I thought I wouldn't see them again :( but then another lady came and got me and took me to the counter where I was given to the woman and the young lady. :) The young lady named me Coco. I purred and kissed them with all my heart...all the way home!!!

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Interesting Facts

1) 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 (I don't know either)
2) A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
3) The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.
4) Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
5) An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
6) The housefly hums in the middle octave, key of F
7) Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to carrots.
8) Wilma Flintstone's maiden name was Wilma Slaghoopal
9) Betty Rubble's maiden name was Betty Jean Mcbricker.
10) Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.

Click here for Trivia Facts Credits

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My Likes and Dislikes

I will probably update this part of the page regularly..
Cuz, I do silly things all the time!!!

I like: I dislike:
The white stuff called snow Having my back feet wet
Climbing my apple trees Having apples hit me in the head
Running in the rain Being sprayed by the hose
Hunting for frogs Falling into the creek
Staying outside all night Being grounded the next day :(

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Thoughts of the Feline

Hey, why did my 'people' bring that tree inside for me? Maybe I can climb it...Oops. I guess I can't.

What is this 'white stuff' all over the ground? Why does it make my feet all wet? It's not like dirt, but I like to dig in it anyway. Where's all the grass I'm so used to chewing on?
As you can guess this was my first experience with snow!! I didn't know what it was but everybody was laughing at me this morning when I went outside. It was kinda fun, slipping and sliding around on the deck!! I got to bury my nose in the cold snow, just like I do with dirt, but I don't have to take a bath afterward!! This is fun, I think I like snow!!

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Some of My Favorite Cat Graphics


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Credit Given

I would like to thank my 'Uncle Mark' for sending these little facts to me via email. I love receiving email like this. Do you know of any interesting Trivia Facts?
Email me some today!!

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Brain Candy
Virtual Flowers Homepage

I'm still searching the Net to find some of my favorite links..if you know of a place I might like..Email me. Use "Coco" as subject, so I can see it better.

A Sad Footnote:

See some pictures of me and my final update:
Coco's Page 2

{Bio}{Trivia}{Likes and Dislikes}{Thoughts}{Links}{Cat Graphics}{Footnote}{Email}

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