RobynsPlace..for business and fun!
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My name is Robyn.
I run an on-line biz,
just like everyone else,
in Eureka Plaza,
which you will learn about later.
I would like for you
to get to know me first with
My Bio

Hey, Did you know that we have
awards for 'Webpage Excellence'?
Well, now you do!!
Apply for award
and display it with pride!!
My interests are:
Hockey, Shopping,
Music, The Net and Trivia!!

NEW!! Take my October Trivia Quiz
NEW!!Do you Remember This?
Stranger Than Fiction

The description of my site is:
get personal with
a webpage designer
hobbies, bio, links
ads, and gifts
and My Biz

As a webpage designer,
my imagination sometimes goes 'wacko',
and I must create a page!
So, start your tour of Unique Pages here, or
Visit Coco's Page
for a little fun.

Email me at:
Or take my Survey.
In the meantime,
Thanks for visiting,
see ya again real soon.

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