WillowSpring Downs

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It began with a dream, a "what if ...", a "suppose we write ..."  It began with the interest friends and family expressed in Maynard's Amish background.  He'd tell stories.  They'd listen spellbound.  And we'd go home wondering, "Wouldn't it be fun to write a book?"
        So, after years of saying it, we finally put some action behind our words.  Carol had come across a quote somewhere that said, "If you're going to run with the big dogs, you've got to get off the porch."  We decided to get off the porch and write that book. Runaway Buggy was conceived.
        The delivery of Runaway Buggy took place under the expertise of another entrepreneurial Hillsboro, Kansas business called C: Prompt Creations, (now d.b.a.: Good Shepherd Publications).  They took our manuscript and made it look like a book.  And they suggested we call Runaway Buggy "Book 1 of the Jonas Series."  That sounded pretty neat to us, so we did just that.
        Runaway Buggy was released in October 1995, and six weeks later we realized we'd better do a second printing.  We also decided to write Book 2 in the Jonas Series, since it appeared that people who'd met our fictional character, Jonas Bontrager, in Runaway Buggy wanted to read more.  So we continued Jonas's life in Hitched, released in August 1996.  Preacher followed in November 1996 with Jonas's internal struggle over owning a beautiful black race horse.  Becca completed the Jonas Series in April 1997 as Jonas's daughter encountered many of the same issues her father faced.
        The saga of Jonas Bontrager's family line continues in another generation in the BRAND NEW Skye Series. the first book, was released in October, 1997.  Ironically, it is the tale of another dream.  But that's another story . . . .Affair of the Heart released in 1998, continues Skye's saga.

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