to Carlos Aquino's 

Doctor in Economics.
Specialist in Asian Economies.
Professor at San Marcos National University.
With Master and Doctorate studies at Kobe University, Japan.
Peru's Japanese to Spanish Official Translator
Carlos Aquino

  [SPANISH VERSION]           |            [JAPANESE VERSION]


PART 1 |



     Born in Lima, Peru, Carlos Aquino graduated from the Department of Economics of San Marcos National University. Granted a Japanese government scholarship, in 1985 he began postgraduate studies at Kobe University in Japan. In this University he followed Master (1987-1989) and Doctor (1989-1992) studies, becoming an expert in International Trade, specialized in International Economies, Asian Economies, Latin American Economies and Development Economies.

      From April 1992 to march 1993 he worked at Nagoya International Center in the city of Nagoya as a "Peru Goodwill Ambassador". After a total stay of 8 years (1985 to 1993) in Japan he returned to Peru.

    In 1985 he studied the Japanese language at Osaka University of Foreign Studies (Japan) and his practices, during the eight years that he resided in Japan, enabled him to be designated -- by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru, in December 1993 -- as the first Official Translator in Peru for Japanese to Spanish language.

    Aquino is author of several publications, most of them about Asian Economies. He published in 1994 a book about Peru-Japan relationship on diplomacy, immigration, economy and politics (spanish title: Relaciones Perú-Japón: Diplomacia. Inmigración, Economía y Política ), whose first version was originally published in Japanese in March 1993, in Nagoya. In April 2000 he published a book about East Asian Economies Development (Spanish title: «INTRODUCCIÓN A LA ECONOMÍA ASIÁTICA: El Desarrollo Económico del Asia Oriental y lecciones para el Perú»), downloadable from this site. His forthcoming book, with an earlier draft in English, available from this site, «Differences in the Economic Development of Latin American and East Asian Countries» (see its Table of Contents), will be soon published.

     He is a member of diverse associations of economists in Asia, such as The Japanese Society of International Economy, The Japan Society of International Development (which is part of the Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development - FASID), and the "East Asian Economic Association - EAEA". He has participated as a speaker in diverse academic conferences in many countries and traveled widely around Asia. His name appeared in the Twelfth Edition (1995-1996) of Who is Who in the World.

    From June 2000 to March 2002 he was President of the "Association of Peruvian Scholarship Students of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, Sports and Technology of Japan - Monbukagakusho" (APEBEMO). 

   Presently he works in Lima as a Professor in the Department of Economics of San Marcos National University, being also its representantive in the "Red de Estudios para el Asia Pacífico" - REDAP (Peruvian Universities Network of Asian Pacific Studies). He is also a Lecturer in the Center of Oriental Studies of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and responsible for a Seminar on Japanese Economy and for a Seminar on Asia - Pacific Economies; likewise, he teaches at the Ricardo Palma University the course "Doing Business with Asia". He is also an Adviser for the Peru - Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

    Aquino is also a regular contributor to diverse newspaper and magazines (of political, economical and managerial content) of national and international circulation with articles on subjects of his specialty, in the same way, he is regularly invited to speak in various national media programmes, as well as appears in several publications edited in Japan  (see for example, his articles in his weekly column “Ventana al Mundo” in the online newspaper «Japon en Español»,

     From April to September 2002 he was a visiting Professor at the Tohoku Gakuin University in Japan, where he taught a course on Asian Economies to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Faculty of Economics and Administration. From January to September 2003 he was also a visiting Professor in the International Graduate School of Social Sciences at Yokohama National University, again in Japan, teaching a Seminar on «Differences in the Economic Development of Latin American and East Asian Countries». Likewise, he was in Taiwan in Octuber 2006, as a visiting researcher in National Chung Hsing University.

    Carlos Aquino works as a Consultant on subjects related to Asia - Pacific countries, as well as an interpreter and official translator from Japanese to Spanish of documents of diverse kind.

Some papers in English:
Last update: June  20, 2008.



Carlos Aquino, Ec.D. Carlos Aquino,
Doctor in Economics

You can contact him at:

(51-1) -242-7564
Fax: (51-1) -242-7564
Mobile:  (51-1)  99790-7529

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