After a day of a terrible mortar-shelling of the town it was on the 15th of September 1991 that the general and the air-raid alert was sounded and the first shells came down on the city at 9 a.m. In spite of the danger we went to church. Only a few people came, and we worshiped while the shelling continued. The alert continued throughout the day, and so the afternoon service was cancelled.
At 7:30 p.m., the sister who lived on the church premises telephoned and said she saw flames. She was in the cellar at the time. She was told to see what was happening, and she reported that the meeting room was on fire. As the shelling continued with intensity, the fire brigade was unable to fight the fire. The next day when the shelling had subsided, we went to the meeting-room and found that only the charred walls of the meeting-room remained. Since February 1992 we have held our worship services together with the Reformed Christian Church in Croatia in this area. We hope to continue this valuable cooperation for which I am very grateful to God. During the summer, it was comfortable enough for people to stand outside the doors and at the windows, but by the time colder weather arrived in autumn there was the need for another arrangement. Then we adapted an old house on the building-site we had previously purchased to build a new church building. But now that location has become too small. In the meeting room which normally can only hold 80 people, 150 people are now crowded inside. |
How did we start?
November 1996 Our worship services, which we still have together with the Reformed Church, are well attended. The meeting-room we have been using since October '95 is small and overcrowded (85 seats packed in the room; 95-100 people - like sardines in the can). It was in June that we began to turn down one part of the old building to prepare building site to build our new church building with 360 seats.
The concrete and reinforce structure had been finished for the basement and we began putting up the brick walls. |
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October 1997 Thank God! We were able to finish the most of the brick work. Few walls have been left out in the lower part for the rain water to flow out instead to the basement. That will be done after the roof comes over the building. |
Where are we now?
March 1998 Thank God! The war is over and the Danube Valley is being peacefully re-integrated into Croatia. We are very thankful to God for nice weather that we had during January and February this year. It is not usual for this time of the year. God is very gracious!!!
We think that here is right place and time to THANK all of you who have part in this church building construction. Each donation is well appricated and as Thanksoffering brought before God asking His blessings upon you!
CENTRAL CHURCH OF GOD, Charlotte, NC Senior Pastor: Rev. H. Loran Livingston Mission Pastor: Rev. Porter Speakman & members for their faithfull standby as Mother Church to the Church of God in Croatia, also in this project!!! |