
 Complain line: Consumer Affairs Bureau of Automotive Repair Oceanside Office (760)439-0942



 Complain line: Consumer Affairs Bureau of Automotive Repair Oceanside Office (760)439-0942






Wednesday, October 3, we will be closing at 6 p.m.
We are open until 8 p.m. On all other days.
We will be closed on Sunday, October 7th. For emergencies call (760)415-4004 or page (619)969-6988

October 8, 2001, Columbus Day
We will be open for business as usual.


We are open on Sundays for smog testing until noon.
We will be closed every first Sunday of the month.
*Sunday, Sept. 23rd CLOSED DUE TO EQUIPMENT FAILURE. We apologize for the inconvenience
*Sunday, Sept. 30th Open
*Sunday, Oct. 7 CLOSED
Please call in advance (760)743-4004


We will be closed for memorial day weekend.
We will be open on Tuesday May 29th as usual


We will be open on Sunday April 22 for smog testing until non (12 p.m.)


We will be closed on Sunday March 4,
We will be open for emission testing and certification the rest of the Sunday's, March 11th, 18th and 25th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Due to the work load we will be open Sundays for the customers convenience through the month of February


Labor Day Weekend, we will be closed from Saturday, September 2nd.
We will reopen on Tuesday, September 5th for the business as usual


Due to technical issues we will not be performing a smog inspections until Tuesday, Feb 15th. We will offer 20% discount for those who will reschedule for that date.


We are open at 8.30 am

We also reduced our smog inspection prices. Smog inspection includes free pretest and free retest now.


We are now open until 8 p.m every day.


Due to the high amount of returned checks during the Christmas season,
we will not be accepting personal checks during November, December and January.
Instead we will offer 5% discount for cash payments during that period.

Sorry for the inconvinence.


On Friday, December 24th, Christmas eve, we will close at 1 p.m. and will stay closed through the weekend.
We will be open on Monday, December 27th, for business as usual.
We will be closed on New Years Day, January 1st.
We will be open on Monday, January 3rd, as usual.


On Friday, December 17th, We will close at 5 p.m. For our annual Christmas party at Round Table Pizza, Escondido.

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