I'm an expert in making ugly home pages! Come in and let's talk about it, I'm sure many of you can contribute to the topic!

The Ratcatcher - 11/01/00 11:43:48
My URL:http://www.uoguelph.ca/~trussell
My Email:trussell@uoguelph.ca
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Nice page... I think the thing that really got to me was the "original content thing." Especially when you are looking for something funny, EVERYONE has the exact same things... IF YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A WEBSITE, AT LEAST COME UP WITH YOUR OWN SHIT!!! I just thought I'd yell for a second... hopefully at least one dumb shit who wanted, or has, a website with the same old shit on it will now slink quitely to their room to cry. Or, they'll devour a herd of clockradios to avoid the crooning songs of Michael Bolton. Orrrr.......

Rich - 08/11/00 15:09:30
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

I think you should put alot of huge animated gifs on the page and a few frames. (Frames would be incredibly slow with lots of huge animated gifs on the files hmmmm...). Also try image rollovers with animated gifs (nobody has the balls to try that one).

Serena Yuy - 07/20/00 21:39:15
My URL:http://www.fuckyou.com
My Email:Angel_of_Death07@excite.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://www.Fuckeveryone.com

i wonder where my scythe is??? i just had it!!! well when i find it your head is mine!!! You suck big time!!! if any one else shares my view( and i'm sure there's thousands maybe millions) e-mail at address above!!!!! !!!!

Serena Yuy - 07/20/00 21:36:00
My URL:http://www.fuckyou.com
My Email:Angel_of_Death07@excite.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://www.Fuckeveryone.com

i wonder where my scythe is??? i just had it!!! well when i find it your

J - 01/18/00 10:49:36
My URL:http://www.aol.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

You need more BLINK tags!

Shit! - 06/01/99 10:07:39
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

This is a fucking ugly homepage!

Stacy - 04/06/99 04:15:28
My URL:http://katiekaboom.cjb.net
My Email:katiekaboom1@yahoo.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Hi, just wanted to say I like your home page. It's pretty darn funny! Also, I took your award. Bye!

Tris - 03/08/99 01:06:14
<My Email:cSigi@excite.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Everyone thinks I'm psychotic except for my friends deep inside the earth!

krister helland - 03/02/99 12:24:09
My Email:krister helland@gudmund.vgs.no
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

it is @@@@$$$$$}}}}}}~~~~~~~home page

gil-man - 01/22/99 19:03:25
My Email:gil@abts.net
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

I'm am lost and don't know how to get home. Can you help? Please? Huh? Oh. Never mind.

liz - 12/31/98 00:56:58
My URL:darcy_redrum@hotmail.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Your page is totally the ugliest on the web but there's just a few little things you need. Lots and lots of those little ugly java things. Things that walk around your screen, things that change color, those that go too fast for you to see what the pix a tually are, and those that go so slow that you don't realize they are moving. Things that bounce, things that spin, all of it!
A few other things are scrolling text that eventually makes you sea sick, dead links, broken gaphics, so many spelling errors that you don't know what was actually meant, a whole bunch of those "this page has moved here" things, and last but not least NEV R update the thing!

Eron Fuzz - 12/28/98 17:59:40
My URL:My Email:eronfuzz@hotmail.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://www.angelfire.com/vt/anotherpaper

Love your advice, I'm trying to follow all of it TO THE LETTER on my page, any hints on how i can make it anymore repulsive?

me - 11/16/98 12:24:27
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Yor site is really fucking ugly!! i love it

Sue - 08/21/98 21:54:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Haven/2474/
My Email:emtsue@firefighting.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Love the Ugly Page! I couldn't have put it better myself. Sorry I didn't list any ugly home pages for you,

Simon - 08/18/98 23:29:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/5985

You forgot links that go no-where and links that jump to the top of the same page you are currently on. I hate that!

Albano Martins Ribeiro - 08/12/98 15:31:54
My Email:2kalbano@opus.com.br
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Hei, Yodel! Nice to meet you at your very beautiful homepage. I loved it. And laugh a lot. I'll send to you my own url when I finish my project. I'll write it in portuguese and english so you can read it too. See you later. I want to insert the Awful Award in my homepage. May I? Thanks. c u

Zlatko Ivancic - 05/28/98 11:28:03
My URL:zlatko.ivancic@zg.tel.hr
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://www.avalon.hr/leo/zlatko.html

Hi! Compliment from Zagreb-Croatia

I - 05/19/98 19:18:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/1774
My Email:comunicorp@geocities.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/9322/

Check out my homepage. Is the best. http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/1774/ Sign Group Comunicorp

craig - 05/19/98 07:34:57
My Email:craig_lawrence@hotmail.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Loved the site - I na>
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/9322/

Check out my homepage. Is the best. http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/1774/ Sign Group Comunicorp

craig - 05/19/98 07:34:57
My Email:craig_lawrence@hotmail.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Loved the site - I nearly made one like that myself until I realised Ray Charles had more of a chance with colour than I do. You ought to get some "Links of Shame" as there's a treasure trove of poor websites that are chewing up the megs out there!

Bruce - 05/15/98 23:43:43
My URL:http://www.suresite.com/me/m/money
My Email:bphone@kynnd.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Great work

j - 05/04/98 05:27:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/eureka/concourse/4972
My Email:expressresumeandjoblead@juno.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Your site is so helpful and FUN! I enjoyed browsing through it. I just recently tried to venture into this website craze although I have no clue on how to actually build one.... how do you get a guest book anyway? s.o.s on this matter. Thanks j

- 04/29/98 22:48:03
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://


Martin - 04/29/98 16:26:52
My URL:http://www.casema.net/~muires
My Email:muires@casema.net
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Hi, the thing a like best in really bad pages is the Blink Tag. Use it for everything on your site, together with really big Fonts. This will ensure the visitors will remember it because of the headache and red eyes they will have after reading your page, so they can say the next day that they were partying all night and have a real life instead of spending it behind a SVGA screen.

TAHIR - 04/24/98 06:42:19
My URL:http://www.cyber.net.pk
My Email:dhebros@super.net.pk
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://www.fascom.com


William Siever - 04/23/98 19:38:46
My URL:/Area51/Rampart/5952/
My Email:wsiever@hotmail.com

Cool Web Site.
just to let you know I have taken your award.
William's Internet Web Site
William's First Contact Profiles

Sandi - 04/16/98 05:04:56
My URL:http://www.sunshine.net/www/1700/sn1721
My Email:select_business@sunshine.net
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Well now I know that I've done a pretty good job on my page..... This is an ugly example... You have done well..

ed whiting - 04/15/98 16:08:48
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~mediaman_2/index.html
My Email:edames@webtv.net
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://expage.com/page/reginasathome


Stephen - 04/13/98 07:00:58
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://www.welcum.com

Every now and then I would be surfing the web and just decide I want to get off-line. So I go to click the small close button in the top right corner of the screen(Win95.) It closes the screen, but opens a new browser.....then I click it again....and it pens several browsers....just check out the URL I gave for Example.

Cross-Land - 04/11/98 20:22:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/1550/
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Enjoyed browsing through your home page. It reminded me of several that I had seen and the length of time to load a page is very important. Of course, depending on what a person wants will depend on the number of banners. I have found that with the Geo ba ner and Link Exchange plus mine, my page takes a bit longer than it should, but will leave it be for now. Keep up the good work!!!!

Tim Huckaby - 04/05/98 11:53:21
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Bluii
My Email:tim.huckaby@usa.net
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

What a GREAT page! Really I enjoyed it. I have been talking with some friends who are trying to put up a page, and they want to do exactly the kind of crap you mention here. Loved it, laughed. Tim

Doug - 04/05/98 05:12:38
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Check this out.... http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/2414/

bboop - 04/01/98 04:58:56
My URL:http://www.daystardesign.com
My Email:bboop25@hotmail.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

being too much of a lady i will not go into how many ugly sites i've seen lately but suffice it to say: it's too bad the site owners didn't look at your tongue-in-cheek rulebook first :) thanks for the page -- but do you think the ones it's aimed toward will get it?

Elvis Presley - 03/30/98 19:55:23
My URL:http://heaven.com/~Elvis

too ugly for a nice person like me. Bye!

Tom Craft - 03/30/98 05:33:10
My Email:tcraft@worldnet.att.net
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

I loved your crappy page. It points out pitfalls that I hope I would have avoided automatically, but know I probably fallen for. Good page Tom

Satchmo - 03/29/98 19:30:42
My Email:de_jazzman@cyberdude.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Here's more ideas....use colors that clash! Hot pink background with purple text! Choose flash in the pan, every body and their uncle's subjects, like Barney and O.J.! Show pictures of your ugly spouse and your in laws! Include huge banners of porno gi ls doing embarrassing things! Give a couple lines of free material, and make the rest into a catalogue for crappy products and worthless software! Don't forget to charge people money for the privelege of viewing their own I.D.'s! Best of all, pretend to e an honest participant in newsgroups, and spam your website at the bottom of your posts! My gosh! I forgot to mention JavaScripts! have lots and lots of cookies pop up, and make them self perpetuating, so viewers can't turn them off when they hit the X b tton!

george thompson - 03/27/98 11:27:23
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://JERK/SAUCE


jahgee@webtv.net - 03/27/98 11:12:02
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

did i do the right thing.

newbie - 03/21/98 06:29:39
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

is that funny or what? you page looks better than mine!

CatEyes` - 03/18/98 03:47:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/7016
My Email:thecatsden@yahoo.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://webpagesthatsuck.com

Doing technical support for an ISP, I see the homepages of many people who are just getting started. I have started sending them to your page and saying, "Don't let your page look like this." hehe Keep up the inspiring work!

mtnlvr11 - 03/17/98 21:35:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Village/9011
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

my page is ugly by design (ha!)---it was created as a parody of some of the sites i have seen, and it is so nice to read your list and find i accomplished my goal *weg*.

marty - 03/17/98 14:58:47
My Email:cow_girl_25@yahoo.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

I think that this is one of the most unquie thing that I have ever seen. This however is not the the worst web page on the internet that's for sure.

marty - 03/17/98 14:56:00
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://


Lesli Schauf - 03/16/98 05:47:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Enterprises/1251/
My Email:tlm_webconsult@geocities.com

I just about died laughing!!! Thank you a for wonderful addition to the General Insanity that the World Wide Web has become.

My favorite entry in the guestbook:
The one that tells you that doing this stuff would be bad if you were a web design business.

Violations on my own site:
Egregious use of FRAMES. I admit it, I used FRAMES just to play around in The Daily Grind section. Could have gotten by just fine without them.

Someone else's ugly home pages:
Oh my, there are so many...

Other wonderful violations:
Tied into music - using music that is under copyright. Don't just annoy some of your visitors, get yourself into possible legal trouble while doing so!

Wonderful work!

nazmie - 03/15/98 13:22:09
My Email:nazmie1@tm.net.my
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

No comment for now cos' I'm also a beginer to make a homepage

Casey Anne - 03/06/98 03:38:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~casey_anne/index.html
My Email:casey_anne@hotmail.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://not ver nice! :)

Hi there, I liked your page but I just wanted to say that some of your suggestions would not go over well if you had a web designing business. For instance, if a person puts green on green, that is a pretty bad move.. and if your page isn't beautiful then who woul hire you to do the page? But I did like your page. :)

Robyn - 03/05/98 14:47:37
My URL:http://www.tatcentral.com
My Email:RPars12155@aol.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Great Page, Super Content... but you forgot about the use (or misuse) of FRAMES!!! All those thousands of cut-off lists are worth something..don't you think?

Marian Anderson - 03/05/98 07:29:33
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ProOffSer/index.html
My Email:MLDubbels@aol.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://


thanks, you just let us cheat on our first uni assignment (assessing the bad points of webpages)

Peggy Jones - 02/22/98 21:35:21
My URL:http://csn.net/~rnjones
My Email:rnjones@csn.net

How about a JavaScript that will get stuck in an endless loop letting you go nowhere? Better yet, one which opens window after window after window until your browser maxes out memory, freezes up, and crashes your machine. (Better not put a real example o this one on your demo page unless you want to get flamed.)

Paul - 02/21/98 05:15:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pier/6907
My Email:pavel101@hotmail.com
URL of somebody else's

My page probably falls into the ugly category, but I must say, your page is HILARIOUS. If I ever finish my page, I'll link it to yours. Thanks for the laughs. -Paul

Szab¾ ™kos - 02/19/98 20:20:39
My URL:http://www.gnsz.akos.hu
My Email:gnsz@infornax.hu
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Come in!

Sherry - 02/18/98 21:53:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Plaza/3636
My Email:davie@tcsn.net
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Just starting out, and I have an UGLY web page. Trying to learn how to make it attractive and appealing. If you have any suggestions, e-

Dave Miller - 02/17/98 09:05:40
My Email:clearflow@xtra.co.nz
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Just looking at this stage, need a home page to promote my environmental engineering business in New Zealand. any comments gratefully received. Regards Dave.

Tina - 02/16/98 06:44:28
My Email:tboldt@empireone.net
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

This was a great page, I really enjoyed the laugh at the end of a long day of trying to figure out exactly what the heck I was going to do with my home page. Thanks

Carole - 02/13/98 20:14:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/5483
Myugly home page: http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/9322/index.html

Hiya!!! Way Funny!!! Came across you by accident...But now you deserve a place in my Bookmarks. Happy Valentines Day ;-)

Bob Johnson - 02/12/98 06:42:26
My Email:b.johnson@wazoo.com
URL of somebody else's u gly home page: http://

just applied for a geocities webpage, was browsing thruough eureka neighborhood,stumbled onto your web stie. good info. enjoy your sense of humor. thanks. BJ

- 02/06/98 18:13:43
My Email:mmedia@df1.telmex.net.mx
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

horrible graphics,very large ones,from scanned japanese comic books,thousands of them as gif, very big files all over an enormous homethe title:my favorite things. we love to see others personal obsessions and get a life!

- 02/06/98 05:59:30
My URL:http://www.goodmove.com/cheri
My Email:CheriWave4@aol.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

I am always amused by the "mixed messages" pages send..i.e. flowery background with a "hot flaming bar"....a serious business page marred by some clip art that looks circa 1970...or better yet a silly clip art cartoon/button on a "serious" info page of a usiness...you forgot to mention "never update the page"=dead links are so cool!

Bill JUlian - 02/04/98 18:12:56
My URL:/capitolhill/lobby/6121
My Email: http://

Can you help me set up my geocities guestbook? I just cant seem to make it work!! See my web site above thats where the problem is. Thanks so much Bill

- 01/31/98 00:42:08
My Email:
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Hello, i—ve just hit your webpage (probably by mistake) it is realy great, i could not stop laughing so far. ...anyway many greetings from germany frank

Silent Majority - 01/28/98 00:35:22
My Email:retroguy@vol.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

enjoyed your humor and advice... thanks... gonna learn how to do this...

luis caldeira - 01/21/98 18:3My Email:lcaldeira@mail.telenet.pt
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

for a crappy page, this is a CRAPPY page. Thanks for the tips 'n fun keep on surfin''

kathy Smith - 01/20/98 21:03:52
My Email:ksmith@graol.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Great fun, your page! I laughed the whole way through.But you need to add some useless spinning, twirling, skipping gifs. At least 3 or 4. And make sure they have no utility at all. And the next page in the sequence should have at least four frames (to , bottom, left, right), with the scroll button missing from at least one of them. Definitely. Can't think of anything else. Your page is just so...perfect as is. Thanks for the laugh.

crespak - 01/16My Email:
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

I am always amused by the "mixed messages" pages send..i.e. flowery background with a "hot flaming bar"....a serious business page marred by some clip art that looks circa 1970...or better yet a silly clip art cartoon/button on a "serious" info page of a usiness...you forgot to mention "never update the page"=dead links are so cool!

Bill JUlian - 02/04/98 18:12:56
My URL:http://geocities.com/capitolhill/lobby/6121
My Email:Asamaritan@aol.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Can you help me set up my geocities guestbook? I just cant seem to make it work!! See my web site above thats where the problem is. Thanks so much Bill

- 01/31/98 00:42:08
My Email:bhc@hamburg.roses.de
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Hello, i—ve just hit your webpage (probably by mistake) it is realy great, i could not stop laughing so far. ...anyway many greetings from germany frank

Silent Majority - 01/28/98 00:35:22
My Email:retroguy@vol.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

enjoyed your humor and advice... thanks... gonna learn how to do this...

luis caldeira - 01/21/98 18:34:28
My Email:lcaldeira@mail.telenet.pt
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

for a crappy page, this is a CRAPPY page. Thanks for the tips 'n fun keep on surfin''

kathy Smith - 01/20/98 21:03:52
My Email:ksmith@graol.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Great fun, your page! I laughed the whole way through.But you need to add some useless spinning, twirling, skipping gifs. At least 3 or 4. And make sure they have no utility at all. And the next page in the sequence should have at least four frames (to , bottom, left, right), with the scroll button missing from at least one of them. Definitely. Can't think of anything else. Your page is just so...perfect as is. Thanks for the laugh.

crespak - 01/16/98 15:56:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/eureka/plaza/7713/CMII2.html
My Email:yu177626@yorku.ca
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

HELP!! I understand you're very busy making all these ugly web pages and/or surfing to find other ugly web pages, but seriously, I was wondering if you would surf to my page and please critique it. Its just that if I ask my friends to do it, they'll just ive me some crap like, "It's sooo cool" and I can't afford that.So, if you would PLEASE just tell me if it stinks or if it's okay, I'd be very, very grateful. I should warn you though, I just can't get my link colors right, nor can I get them to reset evrytime someone surfs to the page. Thanks, Looking forward to hearing your HONEST opinion, crespak

Shel - 01/14/98 03:54:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Plaza/8319
My Email:r_house_art@hotmail.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Plaza/8319

Lovely...Just lovely.... I may snatch that award, iffin you don't mind!

ALU - 01/13/98 13:03:08
My URL:http://the site@sewer city
My Email:alu@bigpond.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://australian taxation office@vultures den

I just love an ugly page.......it so easy to make a nice one...but not that easy to make something absolutely awful..what makes a bulldog nice?? It's ugliness of course...so..I really love your page!! wanna make one for me??????

Misty - 01/12/98 18:38:11
My URL:http://www.pagewave.com
My Email:webmaster@pagewave.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://cant.think.of.one@worse.then.yours.com

hahahaha *ROFL* Thanks for a totally sucky site! It's people like you that bring in business for web designers like myself! Superb job, your site totally blows! hahahaaa

docjuke - 01/11/98 05:51:25
My Email:docjuke@mindspring.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Haven't laughed so hard in weeks! Loved your page. Think you forgot those annoying running pests....like the little dog that runs all over the page.

Godzilla - 01/10/98 01:49:11
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Your "award" page cracks me up...Nice work man... zilla

H. Wiedenkeller - 01/09/98 01:57:55
My URL:http://mataram.wasantara.net.id/ptlk/ptlk.htm
My Email:wiketanr@mataram.wasantara.net.id
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Dont know if I made it?

Jon Rudd - 01/08/98 16:17:32
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members/jrassociates
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

My page may be ugly, but it's got content. What do you think?

Bob - 01/04/98 21:44:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/7988
My Email:texana@geocites.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ranch/7988

Youv'e shamed into reexaming my page. i have completely redesigned, reduced the size, and am committed to have at least 90% original content. It doesn't take much space to tell all I know.

Kalabog_n_Bog - 12/27/97 15:16:40
My URL:http://www1.webquest.com/~acctech
My Email:acctech@webquest.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Gosh, man!! This sure is AWWWFFFFUUULLLL!!! Best bet yet, but be sure I don't get caught with more than 50% of the content you had on MY OWN PAGE!!! Well, if you visit, be sure to rate my site...now don't be shy, y'hear?? The best sarcastic, awfulest, ingbatingest and whateverset site I've ever seen!!! Nice Job!! :)Matt

Beverly - 12/21/97 21:11:39
My URL:http://www.flamingobeadery.com
My Email:flamingo.bbc@mailcity.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

I don't get it?!?!?!

Nir Dagan - 12/21/97 17:40:33
My URL:http://www.econ.upf.es/%7Edagan/catala1.html
My Email:dagan@upf.es
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://www.columbia.edu/%7Exs23/

How about a meta refresh frquent flyer program, auto starting music, inline graphics 150 pixels high, stolen copyrighted images, silly link descriptions, broken &ntiies, no navigation system and much less? And all of it by a loonytoon who thinks he is a university profes>/Eureka/Park/2295
My Email:newsnose@usa.net
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

These "bad examples" pages are a good lesson in how not to do it, and I'm glad you included them. I hope my little site is not too bad an example. It gets better as I learn more and I do appreciate anything that helps me learn more.

Dan - 11/22/97 19:00:50
My URL:/MadisonAvenue/2713
My Email:daniil.s@juno.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

As you said: this page suck

Acad - 11/18/97 01:24:07
My URL:http://w3.ime.net/~brogan
My Email:brogan@ime.net
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

Hi there, GREAT IDEA!
I think you covered most everything except JAVA!
I'll look for that on my next visit!
Keep up the good work or should I say bad work!

Acad's World

Acyberguy - 10/13/97 21:44:16
My URL:/SiliconValley/Peaks/4830
My Email:coutlet@sssnet.com

WILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL!!

Sam the Sham - 10/13/97 19:53:20
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/1122/frames/index.html


Cynthia Bell-Moores - 12/09/97 22:25:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/4101/
My Email:cynbellm@ameritech.net
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

I just got my own web page at GeoCities today. I ***LOVE*** your page! I've always hated the things that people do to make their pages "better" when it just makes them bigger. Thanx!! Excellent job.

josee durbin - 12/07/97 21:32:06
My Email:durbinca@hotmail.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

loved your page, best laugh i've had all day... i'm in the process of building my own page, so i appreciated your very sarcastic humor!

Warren Domke - 11/26/97 19:50:54
My URL:http://www.GeoCities.com/Eureka/Park/2295
My Email:newsnose@usa.net
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

These "bad examples" pages are a good lesson in how not to do it, and I'm glad you included them. I hope my little site is not too bad an example. It gets better as I learn more and I do appreciate anything that helps me learn more.

Dan - 11/22/97 19:00:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MadisonAvenue/2713
My Email:daniil.s@juno.com
URL of somebody else's ugly home page: http://

As you said: this page suck