The Ugliest Home Page in the World
and the 12 golden rules how to make such a page!
by Yodel Dodel

A Geocities/Eureka Featured Page! (believe it or not).

You have a small business, and you want to create a web page. You don't have the money to hire a real pro web designer? Well, didn't you know, your nephew is real good at computers! He can make it for you in no time!

After careful study of many small business web pages and even more personal web pages, I have come to the conclusion that there is a common style here, which I have tried to document in this page so your nephew gets started more quickly. Just let him use this page as a template - he'll get the hang of it real quick. Have fun!

Hi, I am
Yodel Dodel,
and this is
my home page!

Rule # 1: Use a large title. The larger the better. But don't just use a plain text header, instead, make a GIF file, a banner! It does not present any additional content, but you can use wicked typefaces! It takes a long time to load, but who cares! On your banner, tell people that this is a home page, lest they don't notice. Large fonts are convenient because they help to fill the page, so you have to think less about real content!

green text on a green background!
What a harmonic combination!
It's hard to read, so visitors will concentrate better
on your page!

Rule # 2: A plain white background is boring. A colored background is better, but nothing beats a wallpaper, I mean, a background image! Make the text color blend nicely with the background color. Use a dark background image in combination with dark text, use a light one with light text.


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Yodel Dodel, proud creator of this page, is owner and operator of this official Stool Pit Web Site!

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how about another great
banner, it's cute!
banners fill the
page and cost

BX The CIA, NASA. the Pentagon, and the FBI all deny the existence of
The Internet Blink Exchange

This Website

Rule # 3: Use many many banners. Not only the obvious ones, like the courtesy banner for a great free home page service like Geocities. No, there is browser ads, plugin ads, mail services, guestbook services, link exchange services, banners swaps, web rings, search engines, lots of things. Saves you creating your own graphics! Also, takes 20 minutes to load the page!

Rule # 4: Use photographs. Lots of them. Don't worry about the file size. Make them big. GIF files are bigger than JPGs. Color photos make bigger files than black and white. Another great way to slow down page loading.

Email me!
Do it NOW!
Please come
back soon
and visit me!
Sign my Guestbook!
View my Guestbook!

Rule # 5: Use many different font colors and sizes. It shows that you have imagination, fantasy and taste!

my lovely

Rule # 6: Use GIFs for trivial functions, like "Sign my Guestbook", and "View my Guestbook". The little GIF that represents the word "Sign" is a few thousand bytes large, more than all the text on this page combined! This is how you give weight to your creations! Even better, show your mastery of HTML and turn it into an Image Map! If you know what that is, you're on the right track!

Important Links:

  • 8,520 midi files from Joe's page
  • 999 random links from Lily's page
  • 296 background images from Bob's page
  • 120 old jokes from Paul's page
  • 24 boring games from all over the place.
  • 5,566 cool graphics of unspecified content and origin
  • Rule # 7: Create some substantial surf fodder quick! If writing your own stuff takes too much time, use LINKS to other people's pages instead. Saves lots of disk space, too. Yes, link to others who have links to others who link to others who have links to others who link to others who have links to others. So your page eventually covers three and a half zillion information items. Can't beat that.




      Use the space on your page generously.




    Rule # 8: Make your page LOOOOONG! Use the space on your page generously. There is a scroll bar on the right of your window, let people use it! Also, long pages have more space for graphics. If you get good at creating long pages, you can make one that takes 12 hours to load! Get in the Guinness book! Don't even think of subdividing your page into multiple small pages, that would spoil all the fun.

      This page has won the following great awards!

    This page is officially recognized awful.

    The Prime Awful award
    was given to this page by Eureka ToDay themselves!

    This site
    has won the
    four points
    The Prestigeous
    Award of
    was given to
    this page!
  • Proud Winner Of The

    Rose Award!

    Win Yodel's Flat Face Award!

    You want an award? You got it! Just copy the HTML code shown below and put it on your page! If you are a good sport, you leave a note in my guestbook telling me you've taken the award, but you don't have to. <center> <table bgcolor=lightgrey cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=250> <td> <center><small><a target="_parent" href="/Eureka/Park/9322/index.html#award"><img border=0 src="/Eureka/Park/9322/buddy2.jpg width=081 height=125 hspace=5 vspace=5 align=left alt="the Yodel award logo"></a> </td><td><font color=blue size="-1"><center> Congratulations!<p>This Site has won Yodel's Flat Face Award! </center></font></center></td> </table> </center>

    the Yodel award logo

    This Site has won Yodel's Flat Face Award!

    Rule # 9: Awards galore! Win awards! Post your awards! Offer an award! Awards have several great advantages: They fill the page. They create admiration among your visitors. So, if you haven't won any awards yet, make up a few and post them on your page.

    Also, offering an award is a smart thing to do. It suggests you're a great expert at something. It lures viewers to your page. Make the award winning process simple. Don't even look at the award winner's page. Don't exchange any email with the nominees. Make it a self-service award!

      Ta Taaaaa!
    Shoobee Doo!

    whooka chacka whooka chacka
    whooka chacka whooka chacka
    whooka chacka whooka chacka
    whooka chacka dumb dumb,

    whooka chacka whooka chacka
    whooka chacka whooka chacka
    whooka chacka whooka chacka
    whooka chacka dumb.

    Rule # 10: Use background music! Some people believe it should be the listeners' choice to turn on music, but you know better: Blast some midi music at your visitors as soon as they enter your site! They will like it! Their office mates and family members will like it too! Why? Because what you put on your page is GOOD and TASTEFUL music!

      Since this page was created,
    I had manymany visitors.

    Rule # 11: Count how often you visit your own page! Sometimes, the counter is a bit off through other web surfers stumbling on your page by mistake, but this is usually just a small percentage. How can you get your own counter to reflect a few thousand hits quickly? Just hit the "Reload" button on your browser. If your page takes, say, 3 minutes to load, you can get 20 hits per hour, which can amount to over 1000 hits in just one weekend.

      The final rule!


    Rule # 12: Avoid any content of your own! The way to success in web page design is not content, but style! 4 instance, greate yoor own schpelling! Fisitors loff zhat. Standard English spelling is far too easy to read - you should fascinate your visitors with some originality.

    Instead of original content, use all the standard ingredients for a good web page. If you don't forget any of them, you get a large, rich page in no time! To summarize, a good web page has the following ingredients (and only those):

    • a very large headline banner
    • lots and lots of graphics (I mean, lots!)
    • real large graphics
    • a background image
    • Many different colors. Netscape offers hundreds of colors to choose from!
    • background music
    • banner swap banners
    • guestbooks
    • webrings
    • links to other pages
    • awards to give out
    • awards you received
    • a hit counter
    • a button to vote for this site as a starting point hot site
    • large areas of uninhabited background space

    If you know a few more tricks on how to make crappy pages, or if you can point to somebody else's crappy page, sign my guestbook and tell us all!

    Click here to go Nowhere!