Welcome to theW
i d e Web !!
N o o r h a ' s H o m e P a g e
Hello and Welcome to the fantastic and exciting world of the Cyber-people !!!
Take some time to browse through this site. This site is categorised in various sections. On the top you will see a banner with the representing icons and on the left you will see the corresponding menu for the selected category.
Don't forget to visit the 'Fun and Entertainment' section and the 'Favourite Web and FTP Sites' section. Some interesting files and information can be downloaded from the 'File and Information Downloads' section.
I have added my 'Favourite Martial Arts and Taekwondo Links' in the 'Favourite Web and FTP Sites' section. The latest news and events on Taekwondo in and around Pune can be viewed here.
In case you would like to put off the music, please click on the stop button on the small console provided in the top frame banner.
Go Ahead ! Enjoy and let me know your views and comments about this site.
Thank you.
Noorha B. Merchant.
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