Hello.....My name is Misty if you havent figured that out by now.

Anyhow...there's not a lot to tell. I am 5'4, a leo,redheaded with green eyes, love to read stuff like John Grisham, Robert Jordan, Terry Goodkind, Neal Stephenson, Douglas Adams, William Gibson, and the typical female trash novel.

On top of all that I also turn wooden bowls and kaleidoscopes as well as make jewelry...now I even lampwork beads to use in my jewelry(will take piccy's when I can)...there is a piccy of some of the bowls I have made on my piccy page...the ones with the porcelain knob is not mine...all the rest are...I kept the one in the upper left as it is made of african mahogany and was a pain to sand as well as pricy to buy the wood...the striped one is african mahogany and basswood, the one with the green bottom is all basswood and the other two are pine stained with different finishes. As soon as I get the current kaleidoscope finished I will take a piccy and put it up here...its made out of curly maple and will have 2 stained glass wheels that I have had a friend make for me already.

I love to listen to music......and I have a new fav... TOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL, they were recommended to me by someone who knows her music quite well and sure enough I love 'em........but I also like a wide variety of other music as well.... INXS, Sister Hazel, BareNaked Ladies, Smashmouth, Celine Dion(yeah I know some of you wish she and her vocal cords would have an accident but I still love her), Hole, Offspring, Jewel, Alanis Morrisette (oh stop yer groaning), Savage Garden, Filter, Prodigy, Stroke9, Dave Matthews Band, Days of the New, Eagles, Tonic, Richard Marx, Crowded House, Kenny Loggins, Cherry Poppin Daddies, Natalie Merchant, Stabbing Westward, a tad of Metallica, along with oldies and classical...this list is quite short of all the stuff I actually like...but...I could be here all day babbling on about music in itself...

I love animals. I have a ferret named Sweetpea..and two frogs..an albino named Dopey and a green one named Oscar(the grouch) she looks exactly like the one in the piccy.

They are african clawed water frogs (Xenopus laevis)
..they had babies... the lil frogs have been named...a friend who loves the show Xena has named my three frogs in order of size...Xena, Jocksters( who I call Freckles), and Gabby( gabrielle) I love plants...but for some odd reason...I seem to kill most of them. *smile*

I hafta tell you something.

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