These are in no particular order:
Niki: She's awesome. *smile*
Fiver: Da Wabbit. He and Niki are gonna merge soon!
_NoX_: He is quite funny and is good at computer stuff. If you need a friend, he is *the* person to have as one.
billn: He's another cool should read some of his rants. I would also like to say he is intelligent and more than meets the eye *drool*
Alysoun: My MommyFish.....thats all that needs to be said.
Edge: He's the first person I ever talked to on IRC. He still floats about...go see his page and learn all about #penpals and #insanity <---I helped make that channel.
DaQuake: An old friend from #insanity days, his mom and sister are pretty cool too!
Gizzmo: He is strange, yet funny and nice too ;)
dayZdear: She loves jello. *grin*
ebm : extra beautiful moment....thats MY version of his nick ;)
Frieda: Hey sweetie! How are ya?! =) *squishles*
TychoB: He likes to look at the stars...and he gets paid for it too!
René: One of the few remaining gentlemen in the world.
Arren: aka "arrkissanpentu" which means "arkitten" in funnish. A hug from him is something to truly treasure
nee: aka courtnee, she's smart and nice and *very* funny. All I can say is she is quite memorable to know and great to have as a friend.
Sigma_: Another crazy fun loony type person, expect to unexpect the expected ;)
Okay...if I have forgotten you remind me. I can't remember everybody right now or I dont have your page bookmarked. If ya know me and want yer page here, email me with it and I will link it.
What about me?
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