Celebrating 23 years of Service in Ministry for our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Chrst of Nazareth!!! 1982-2005!!!

Greetings in the Name of our Great God; our Gracious, Almighty Heavenly Father; our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ of Nazareth; our Comforter, Guide, and Teacher, the Holy Spirit.


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Delwyn Loy Mayo's Short Writings

Last Updated>4-27-2005

Beams From THE LIGHTHOUSE and The Lower Lights

Hello To All of you out there in CyberSpace, especially Christians->

If you do not agree with or believe statements that you read here, that is your privilege and prerogative. Because most of you do not know anything about our ministry, this will be introductory information for you. We are a Christian, evangelistic, non-profit organization; independent and interdenominational. We are basically Wesleyan Holiness Methodist-Arminian in doctrinal standing. We do believe in the operation of all of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church today. Founded February, 1982; legal "date of organization", June, 1982. Because we have not had any finances for several years, we no longer qualify to be approved by the IRS as a tax exempt organization. Beginning Vision- Headquarters building to include the following and possibly others, as the Lord leads and provides: Business offices; snack shop, including a kitchen; sound control room; literature and gift shop, "Gospel Shop"; Christian library; prayer room. Extended Vision- Home Missions Project: to be a special branch of our ministry to the homeless, transients, and other such groups of people; as the Lord leads and provides. Basically Christian-Protestant-Arminian in doctrinal standing. Founded November, 1987; legal "date of organization", March, 1989. Also, a youth "scouting type" program is being developed, to be used when the Lord directs us to implement it. To be called "Soldiers Of The Cross", (S.O.T.C.); for 1st graders-age 19. H.Q. facility; we are still seeking God's will, direction, and provision concerning this matter. Current J.O.L.O.M. Members- Mr. Delwyn L. Mayo, Director & Bible Teacher, (Command General). J.O.L.O.M.-H.M.P. Advisors, (Private First Class)- Bro. & Mrs. S. Alvin Mayo; Mr. Donalvin L. Mayo, printing, drafting, & architecture; Bro. Joey Dickens, building projects. Current H.M.P. Members-> Bro. Joey Dickens, Buildings & Grounds Director, (Level 1); Donalvin Mayo, Work Shop Director, (Level 1); Delwyn Mayo, Administrative Director, (Level 1); Bro. Alvin Mayo, Minister-at-Large, (Level 1); Mrs. Donalda Mayo, Telephone Ministry Director, (Level 1). Current S.O.T.C. Members- Delwyn Mayo, Chief of Staff, (Brigadier General). Security Positions- Delwyn Mayo, Commissioner of Security Personel; Joey Dickens, H.M.P. Chief Security Guard; Donalda Mayo, H.M.P. Local Security Guard Commander, Unit #2; Donalvin Mayo, H.M.P. Other Security Guard; Alvin Mayo, H.M.P. Other Security Guard. Our Motto: The full gospel of full salvation to all people. Delwyn's short writings presently available--> Tracts> "The Christian's Belts of Spiritual Defense"; "Agap?#034; & "Power"; "A Short Test"; "Concerning Unitarian-Oneness(Jesus Only)-Pentecostals"; "The Complete Human"; "A Prayer for School Bus Drivers and Riders". Booklet> Definitions of the Fruit and Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Delwyn's Songs (not yet available with music);--#1 Zephaniah 3:17; #2 Psalm 85:9; #3 Isaiah 43:2,3a; #4 Ps. 121:3-8; #5 Ps. 147:3,5,6a; #6 Ps. 147:11-13; #7 Daniel 12:3; #8 Deuteronomy 33:27; #9 "All In The Name of the Lord"; #10 "My Praise To God"; #11 "Climbing the Mountain of Our Lord"; #12 "Jesus Is The Rock, Water, Light, and Way"; #13 Isaiah 33:17a,22,5,6,2,(NKJV); #14 "Soldier Of The Cross", to be S.O.T.C. theme(fight) song; #15 Matthew 13:38b,43,(NKJV); #16 “He’s The Alpha and Omega, He Is Everything To Me? also, 2 verses to the music of "I've Been Redeemed, filled with the Holy Ghost"; there are other songs I have added verses to. #'s 1-8 are from old KJV. Delwyn's sermons on tape-- "The Power of Christ's Death" (#'s 1&2); "Suffering For Christ and Judgment of the Church"; "The Great Hope-Catching away of the Saints". (2 tapes, not currently available). Delwyn's other writings-- Special Services: My Philosophy of Worship; "Model Worship Services"; *"Marriage Ceremony"; there are others not yet written; all to be in one booklet. +A Study Guide On Christian Doctrines and Contemporary Issues, With Reference To False Teachings. Papers> “A Comparison of Islam and Christianty? “Animism, Polytheism, & Pantheism? +In process of new edition; *not currently available; working on new editions of writtings. Short writings and Songs, one set free, additional sets at whatever you can afford. Tapes(when available), at whatever you can afford. Special Services, not for general distribution. Study Guide+, price not determined. Delwyn is the drafter of our charters; developer of our organizational structures; author of our membership manuals; designer of most of our uniforms and insignia; designer of our flags; and has drawn up a basic floor plan for our H.Q. buildings. Your prayers are most definitely desired. Our Purpose is to spread the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ to those who have not accepted Him as their Saviour; also to encourage and instruct those who already know Christ. We seek to fulfill our Purpose through the ministries of public and private preaching and teaching, written materials, and music. We will boldly oppose all that exalts itself against our Lord and His Holy Word. Our "Blessing to others"- May the glory of the Spirit of God be seen in you, now and forever. Amen.
Agape' Shalom, Gloria a Dios, & Prayers,
Delwyn Loy Mayo
My Current location is Bethany, OK, USA

On 12-16-2003 I was Licensed-Ordained as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the United Fellowship of Christ Ministeries, International> their Web Site URL is on our Front Page.

For contact information go to Front Page.

Our Affirmation of Faith
[Delwyn's Version of the "Apostles' Creed".]
I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. In God the Son our Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father and not a created being; Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He arose from the dead; He ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of the Father; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in God the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, the promise of the Father, the Comforter sent by the risen Christ. I believe in a holy universal church, the communion of the saints; the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection of the body. I believe in life after death, before the resurrection; eternal punishment in hell for the wicked and eternal joy on earth and in heaven for the righteous. Amen.
Brief History
Following is a brief history of this organization and its forerunners. In September of 1975, Glen Berteau started a Christian coffeehouse (in Ruston, LA) which was named "The Lighthouse". In the summer of 1976, Glen was asked to take a position as a youth director in Texas. At that time Bill Jones, a La. Tech student, who had worked closely with Glen, took charge of "The Lighthouse". Delwyn became Bill's assistant and opened up a couple of nights when Bill was unable to be there. In May of 1977, Bill graduated from La. Tech and at that time Delwyn took charge. Shortly after Delwyn took charge we changed the name to "J.C.'s Lighthouse; also Delwyn assumed the title of Director/Manager to be more formal. March, 1980, because of lack of finances and interest in it we disbanded the coffeehouse ministry. A few months before we closed the coffeehouse, Delwyn was thinking about extending it to more of an outreach ministry; with a similar name as this organization, except the last word singular. Then toward the end of 1981, Delwyn began to contemplate forming the present organization. In February, 1982, he wrote to his friend Mrs. Sharon (Daniel) Harrell of Hammond, La., inviting her to join him in this venture. Later that same month, during a 'phone conversation, she said she would join him in this. Thus was the idea born and began to grow into what it is today. Advisory Council formed June, 1982; also, this date is what we consider to be our "date of organization". J.O.L.O.M. was a member of the "Christian Holiness Association", from April 12, 1983, until June, 1984. On August 2, 1984, J.O.L.O.M. became approved by the IRS as a non-profit organization, eligible to receive tax deductible donations. Summer 1998 no longer eligible, because we have not had any money for several years.
Membership Information
Anyone desiring membership in this organization must be a true born-again Christian and must accept all the statements in our Charter and promise to teach nothing that is contrary to our Charter. The members of this group will not be allowed to solicit financial support. Any support from non-members must be completely on a voluntary basis. Anyone may pledge to us their prayer and/or financial support without being a member. Only those who desire to become Members will be allowed further information about the organization. ***************************************************************************
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