Thank You
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my friend Jocelyne for all her assistance with GeoCities. Thank you so much! If you're looking for her Henna and Mehndi pages, they have moved here.
Welcome to my Spam and PC Security web site!
Alas, this site is still under construction. However, listed below are the topics I'll eventually cover on here.
This is a report I wrote on spam, broken down into seperate pages for each subject heading. I recommend starting at "What is Spam?"
What Is Spam?
Why Is Spam a Problem?
How Do Spammers Do Their Dirty Work?
How Can I Report Spam?
Prevention is Better Than Cure
New Trends - SPIM, Pishing...Oh My!
Spam Legislation
PC Security
This is a report I wrote on computer security, broken down into seperate pages for each subject heading. I recommend starting at "Why Should I Secure My PC?"
Why Should I Secure my Computer?
Software Part One - A Firewall
Software Part Two - Anti-Virus
Software Part Three - Anti-Spyware
Software Part Four - Windows Update / Microsoft Update
Good Security Practices