This is Open Road Cycle

in the wind and lovin it

Hi my name is Al......

I am 34 years old and work for the Army National Guard full time......

Every chance I get you'll find me hangin in the's the only place to be.....

I spend a fair amount of time bendin wrenches on scooters......always tryin to make um run better look better and go faster......

In addition to that I like to spend time with my rug rats.....Brittany and Jake.....they are wonderful kids and I love um to death......

Check out the links below theres some pretty cool stuff there......

Here's some Pics from past Rallys out at Sturgis......biggest party west of the Mississippi.....!!
Definately a good time and the Rally continues to amaze new commers every year.....

Links to other sites on the Web

If I have to explain.....!!
V8 Motorcycles....??
South Dakota Army Guard
A Really Cool Chat Room, they call me Jack....and alot of other things...

The only thing to drink..!! By the Barrel....
Check out the cool stuff at Icon Bazaar.....!!
This way to Jakes Room....!!
Al's Room over here.....!!

Hey, don't forget to stop back and check this page out again.....ya never know when it's gonna change....!!

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