This is the picture we used to go with most of our Christmas  Cards.  Herding cats would have been easier than keeping these three still long enough for this picture!!

Another attempt at a Christmas Picture.

Can't you just feel the Love?!

Merry Christmas !!!

Dear Friends and Family,

Christmas is here once again.  It seems like 1999 just started.  I hope you enjoyed it, because according to some people, this is it!  Those of us who choose to believe life will go on will just have to continue planning for the new year.

This past year proceeded quickly due to great expectations for the month of November.  Yes, for the second year in a row, I have a new child to report.  Seth Henry joined us on October 29, 1999, a little ahead of schedule.  He was 6 lbs. 12 oz. and very healthy.  He is a good baby but with three siblings, he doesn't have much of a choice.  For those of you anxiously awaiting our next Christmas letter, don't set your hopes too high.  Unless my doctor messed up, another Christmas miracle would be necessary to produce a fifth child!

The older children are doing well.  Sam is in first grade and continues enjoy school.  I hope the teachers are challenging him as much as he is undoubtedly challenging them.  He is extremely bright and continues to enjoy math and science as well as the computer.  He also enjoys his Game Boy and was able to defeat a college boy working at a Pokemon tournament at a local mall.  He was pretty proud of his accomplishment since the boy hadn't been beaten all day.  Needless to say Seth was pretty proud as well.

Willa is in preschool at Zion Christian Academy.  We were pleased to get her into the same school as Sam.  She really likes school and they tell me she actually listens to the teacher.  She is very independent and strong-willed so getting her to listen at home is a chore.  She is convinced she is a princess and even refers to herself as Willa Jacqueline Sharpe, Princess.  I am not sure if that is a title or part of her name.  Either way, I hope Daddy can continue to support her regal lifestyle.  She has definitely taken to the role of big sister again and mothers Henry whenever she gets the chance.

Rachel is not as convinced that Henry is such a good idea.  She alternates between kissing him and trying to hit him.  She is starting to talk more clearly, so hopefully soon she will understand why Mommy has to hold the baby all the time.  She is a beautiful child and adores Sam and Willa.  Like Willa, Rachel has a love for animals and identifies them by their sounds.  We no longer see cows and horses, they are moo moos and neighs.

I am still at home, busy raising four children.  I still enjoy being home, but definitely miss adult conversation.  Fortunately, Seth works from home and is able to help with the kids a little during the day.  He enjoys his work and may get to begin traveling again in the new year.  To make the traveling more tolerable for the rest of the family, the kids and I usually spend about four weeks in Iowa during the summer.  We love visiting with my family and the kids get to know their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins a little better.

One of Seth's new toys this year was a digital camera; therefore, we undertook the task of taking our own family Christmas picture.  Have you ever tried herding cats?  Professional photographers definitely earn their money with our family!  Hopefully you can at least get a good idea of how the children have grown.

That's about it for the Sharpe family for 1999.  I hope the year was good for you and your family.  If you're ever in the area, please visit us.  We always welcome company!


Seth, Susan
Sam, Willa, Rachel and Henry