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From Tom Gately
This is my lemon shake up page.
How to make a grand a day.
More or less.
Recipe how to do lemon shake ups.
The 12 Steps to lemon shake ups.
1) Mix sugar in water, 1 cup per quart.
2) Use 1 lemon per cup.
3) Cut lemon in half.
4) Juice half on juicer.
5) Put half rhine in shaker cup.
6) Juice other half of lemon on juicer, discard other half of rhine.
7) Fill shaker cup to about 12 ounce level with ice.
8) Put lemon juice from juicer into shaker cup.
9) Fill shaker cup to 12 ounce level with sugar water.
10) Apply lid to shaker cup and shake for 10 or 15 seconds.
11) Pour into 12 ounce serving cup.
12) Serve for 2.00 date 8-17-2003
Profit increasing tips.
Buy sugar in 50 pound bags from Sams.
Buy lemons in box of 95 lemons from grocery store find cheapest.
You will need two 5 gallon water jugs that may need to be filled at booth.
You will need 3 large coolers with ice.
Need 2 stir pitchers for sugar water.
Check with who is in charge of festival to see if you need a health inspection, every town has different rules for this, and prices, usually nothing for non profit orginazations. On no health inspection fobia. Need 2 metal scoops for ice.
You will need a place that is a small town festival the hotter day the better.
This is great for any fund raiser.
Remember if you use this text after you get your first 1000.00 taken in please send 5.00 to tgately@charter.net via paypal. www.paypal.com also mention in a note why you sent the 5.00
Or just send me 29.95 and I will send you a information text on how to make a grand a day running a lemon shake up booth. Ha Haa. Thanks From Tom
Home page http://www.geocities.com/tom_gately