Possible Gout Cure and poison ivy / Relief.

11-21-2008 I finally got on Allopurinol. The last attack was really bad
my left knee was making me want to cry.
After that attack I got some indimethacine that was new and took them till the attack subsided. Then I got on allopruinol. For the first month it was 100 mg then I switched to 200 mg. This stuff is really working well. I can hardly feel I have gout now. ******************************* All stuff below is old info 6-11-08 For gout try drinking one glass of cranberry juice a day.

Old gout stuff I tried but did not work to well below. Ivy cure also below and still
works for me.

This seems to have helped my gout for the last 3 months anyway. I was at a party after working all day and took my shoes off at the end of the night. Their was some uproar about the bad smell. My brother in law suggested putting baking soda in my shoes to lessen the stench. I took him up on it and it also seems to have lessened my twingy feelings and I have not had to take the gout pills since. I put 1 spoonful in each work boot about every two weeks. The powder seems to go right through the socks and makes my feet sweaty. I have had no bad reactions from this that I know of. It’s cheap enough, and can be purchased at the grocery store. If you try it let me know if it helps you then I will have another case study besides my own.

Update another gout Attack 2-10-02 Probably do to a wine binge and eating a tuna fish sandwich last Sunday night. I woke up about 4:00am Monday with the gout pain, this time it is in the center of my foot, the arch, and the right foot. I took 3 of the indomethacine pills and went to work Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday were both bad taking about 3 or 4 pills to get going. I remembered the baking soda Wednesday and tried that. It is Friday night of the same week and I am hopefully through this attack.

Please tell your gout story in the forum below.
Just email me your story and I will include it on this page.
click here to mail me at tgately@charter.net
Home remedies for gout especially wanted.

Here are four gout stories emailed to me by readers.

"HI, I experienced a serious attack of gout(( my uric acid levels are and have
always been normal)) on the 16th. day of a water fast. 
Having a gallon of aloe vera juice ((Wallmart 8.50))
I decided to soak my sock and put a plastic bag with a rubber band to hold the
moisture while I slept.
    No this is not another miracle cure, however I am so very pleased
with it's accomplishments  i.e. 
#1  it allowed me to discontinue 800 mgs.Ibuprofen every eight hours. 
#2   I could at least walk 
((with a limp))around the house, minus the excruciating pain.
    After this I discontinue use, It won't do more than the above mentioned.
                        Thomas,  Oregon"

I've been fighting gout since my mid 20's (as my father and his father
did).  I've tried all the "natural" options and taken most prescriptions
offered.  It should be noted that I'm not very good at taking a pill (or
two) every day or following other such routines.  After 10+ years of
dealing with gout, I've found what works very well for me - baking soda.

At the first signs of joint pain (ankle or toe for me), I test my pH
using color strips I purchased online.  If my pH is acid, I take a
tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water every couple of hours
until the pain is gone.  

Since I started doing this over 6 months ago, I have not had to miss
work or deal with an acute attack!  Previously I had at least one major
attack per month.  I know every person is different and what works for
me may not work for others.  I don't recall many information sites about
gout that suggested baking soda so I wanted to let someone know.

I hope this helps someone!

David Black

I stumbled onto a cure for my gout which may be helpful to other gout 
sufferers. I discovered that when my sleep apnea was cured, so was my gout. 
Who would ever have thought that the two were connected? But I delved into 
some medical literature that verifies it. I have posted the details of my 
experience on a website--freewebs.com/goutcure
I hope that this information 
can help you and other gout sufferers.

*********************************** Burt has an interesting story worth reading.
I had a tuna fish with wine last night. Seems to do it with the gout
for me. This morning my left foot in the arch had it. I first thought of
the indomethicine pills, then took the baking soda. It is still hurting
but I went to work today with not to much pain.

Thank you David Black. I am now onto drinking some of the baking soda and
it is helping my attacks also.

Comments greatly appreciated, reply to.click here to mail me at tgately@charter.net

To my home page.

I also have drank a baking soda and water mixture for acid indigestion.
I would wake up with acid stomach. Put about a spoonful of baking soda in a
coffee cup of water, then I would only drink a few sips, not the whole cup.
This helped my acid stomach for many years in my 20's and early 30's.
Now I do not wake up with acid stomach anymore so I do not take it.

The Gately Diet Fountain of Youth, I just started this.

Get some equate garlic pills from walgreens and take one a day.
Mix about 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with a equal
amount of honey in a shotglass 3/4 full of water.
Drink this when you come home instead of a snack.
Take this when you wake and before going to bed.
One or two times a day is enough for the vinegar.

Shoes---> I have found that New Balance shoes with odor eaters are the best for me.
I also get them loose fitting in size. 4E are the wide ones.
Vinegar and Garlic combo may clean bad stuff from veins and joints.

Get your pedal bike out and go for a ride!

Do you want to give me a dollar? Here's a TIP JAR (please?)


Notes on Elbow problem/lump
I have developed since last November of 2003 a endocrine bursitis
on my left elbow. I went to the regular doctor and he drained it with
a needle 2 times. He said to put ice on it at first. I do a vending job so
it is rather constant and strenuous on the body. It is like my elbow made its own
elbow pad. I am lucky that this does not hurt. It came on all of the sudden.
I felt on the back of my elbow and said what is this?
I am suppose to go to an orthropedic doctor in 3 days so I will update
more then.

I went to the orthopedic doctor. My dog gets better treatment.
The guy said he could operate on the bursitus but then I would trade a scar for a
lump. He also said it may come back even if he operates. So he suggested leaving
it alone to see if it goes away by itself. They took exrays at office and said my
elbow looked good. The doctor first injected the lump with novocaine. I was complaining
saying it does not hurt and I do not need novocaine. I was just going to have it drained
(for the third time but first for the orthepedic doctor) He then used a hyperdermic needle
to drain the lump. This did not do any good it seemed to come back the next day.
So I am to wait for months to see if it gets better on its own.

A coworker at the same vending company has developed the same lump/bursitis on his
left elbow also. We are calling it Astro van elbow as we both work out of Chevy astros
The doors on the van can really bump your elbows. I have disconnected the latches on
the rear doors so they swing all the way open and do not constantly close on me
when working out of the back of the van.

Update 4-19-05
This has been a bad year with the gout. I found a new exercise that may help.
It is free. Go here to check it out. http://www.balmokpump.com/english/menu3_eng.html

Possible herbal remedies for gout
Not Tried use caution

My Poison Ivy Cures. I usually get poison ivy about 3 days after being in the woods. If you get poisoin ivy from smoke from a fire or on your face bad then I would go to see a doctor. Otherwise my cures are for poison ivy on your hands or legs. I take a hot shower when the itching and bumps start. I also lightly scratch the itchy areas. I try not to contaminate myself further by washing infected areas last and drying last. I also put that towel in laundry so I do not reuse it. After the hot shower I apply desitin or equate desitin also known as diaper rash ointment (a white cream containing 40% zinc oxide) to the itchy areas. This allows the rash to weep but the desitin keeps it on top of the skin.
Another method is to bathe in epson salts this seems to soothe and dry out the affected areas. I still get poision ivy but these methods seem to make it stop itching the fastest for me.


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