Credit Card Transaction Report


Company Name:_________________________________________________________


Buyers Name:___________________________________________________________

                                                                (Exactly as it appears on the card)




City:____________________________   State: ________________Zip:_____________



Credit Card Type:  Visa: ________     Mastercard:  ________    Amex: ________


Credit Card Number ____________ - _____________ - __________-__________


Expiration Date:_________________


                                                            Transaction Details:

                                    Materials Subtotal:                    $______________


                                    Applicable Sales Tax:               $______________


                                    Estimated Freight:                     $______________


                                    Estimated Order Total:  $______________


Card Holders Signature:______________________________________________


Note: This form must be signed by the card holder and returned to us

before your order can be processed for shipment.


*Please Note:  All returns, cancellations, or charge orders may be subject to a restocking charge.


*Return authorization is required prior to any and all return(s).


Customer ____ Does  ____ Does not

want an invoice to be sent to him/her


Please Return fax to: (941) 955 2051

1312 East Avenue N, Sarasota, Fl  34237   (941) 955 2050    Fax  (941) 955 2051
