General Wholesaling Rack Merchandising Wagon Jobbing
We will show you five golden home business opportunities to make money in your spare time or full time. This is your option, just to get started it would be better to start part time, and WITH NO INVENTORY. That is the great part of this offer. We provide step-by-step instructions with a 4-volume business plan and assiste you so you can make money. We WANT YOU to succed, because we will grow if YOU grow. You make your own choice of opportunity on the basis of your personal preference.
Yyou need no previous experience or training to be a wholesaler. When you send for your information and free catalog you will also receive a 4-volume BUSINESS PLAN. These books are filled with easy to read step-by-step instructions. Even if you know absolutely nothing about business right now, you'll be an "expert"after just a few hours reading. Then we will show you how to merchandise your products, how to sell to retailers, how to use mail order, how to get big sales at "flea markets," how to sell via party plans and how to get large profitable orders.
Your catalogs list over 3,500 fast-selling products..big profit items that have both high impulse and practical appeal. We offer you a complete assortment of products including jewelry, electronics, tools, luggage, clocks, watches, camers, cutlery, burglar alarms, brassware, hand-painted porcelain items, stuffed animals and many, many more.
Now you can make your dreams a reality. Progress is based on dreams, but dreams must be turned into reality. Unless you make a decision to act, all you will ever have in the future areDreams. You have the facts about one of the most profitable and desirable undertakings available. Now is your moment to act, see the next page of how you start your income. MAKE THE MOVE and turn you dreams into reality.
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GENRALWHOLESALING: Purchase merchandise from us at far below wholesalae,
then supply merchants at wholesale prices. Orders are received via catalog distribution plus using advertising and promotional sales aids. Show your samples and receive orders immediately.
RACK MERCHANDISING: Placing pre-packaged products on self-service displays racks in retail stores. You can use drug stores, grocery stores, variety stores, or any other retail business. Customers will walk past your racks, be attracted by your merchandise and buy. Sounds easy, wellIT IS it's your choice.
WAGON JOBBING: Load your car or truck with merchandise, take orders from retal merchants and deliver at the same time. This type of selling represents the peak of efficiency and allows you to pocket immediate profits. We know the best items for wagon jobbers and can keep you supplied with the top sellers.
PROMOTIONAL MERCHANDISE:> Supply premium merchandise to business organizations, and take orders from fund-raising groups. You profit handsomely from these customers who place repeat orders consistently.
DIRECT SALES: There is a vast market right in your own neighborhood. Direct sales can provide you with high progits and give you the satisfaction of knowing you are offering your friends, neighbors and co-workers quality products at low discount prices.