Richard, Judith & Peter Fields'

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Some interesting facts about my family and our little company. We have a Down Syndrome child, who just turned 24 the 15th Sept. 2001. He graduated from udson High School in 1997 and now working at a local Pizza Hut. We are so proud of Peter.

The following is a list of Schools that my wife and I have attended. Judith went on to the University of Notre Dame for her MBA. Indiana University and Purdue University and Notre Dame University

Downs Syndrome children are fun. Talking about Peter (our son) he is a great joy to be with. When we first had Peter in 1977, there was not much information about Downs and really what to expect. This was our first child and never heard of this before. We were scared and was told by friends and our Doctor to put Peter up of adoption. We really thought about this for about two days and then reached the decision that he is ours and we are going to keep him and rase him like a "normal" (what ever normal is) child. We took him everywhere we went. Find restaurants and also on a cruse to the Bahamians. We had to be strict with Peter and repetitiously say NO NO NO. But also being very positive with; "Great Peter, you are a good boy". "Doing a great job" With a lot of work, and love, Peter is very out going, he greets people with a hand shank and introduces himself to others and will introduce me or Mother is his friends. Of course Peter will never know a stranger, because there is no "stranger" in his life. Once you shake hands with Peter and say your name, you are friends. This is why we must watch Peter most of the time, or most of the time to protect him from "the bad ones" out there. We have lived in the same house for over 15 years now and everyone here "knows" Peter and they also look out for him. Now he roams the block and I really do not worry, unless he is gone for a long time then I will look for him. But you must also give him his "space". Let him go on his own, try things one his own. He bowls (with a regear league of children his age) and they have excepted him very well. He is a good bowler, his average is about 137 and that is not too bad.

More later.....

Look later for information on our little company "PJ's World Gifts"
Click here to find out. Now for some information on Down Syndrome. If you have any questions about DS and what to look for with your child in everyday living, please feel free to write me anytime.

Riverbend Down Syndrome Parent Support Group Parent's

Down Syndrome -- Who and Where to contact Who-Where

This site opens slow, but has a lot in information. Karen Gaffney is a young woman with down syndrome. She motivates other for full inclusion in families, school and the work place. Karen

This one is from the Yahoo Page and a lot of information. Yahoo

National Association for Down Syndrome NADS

Angelman Syndrome is a rare Syndrome, it has been stated here in Australia, that the occurrence rate is 1 in 20,000 born, this may not sound so rare. There are a lot of men, women and children undiagnosed in the world, and it is the aim of our homepage and other homepages scattered around the world, to make Angelman Syndrome well known to the general population, so if you wish, read Anthony's Story, or go to the Angelman Links Angelman Syndrom
