The AIM Mission Statement
“The mission of The AIM Companies is to improve the quality and productivity of people´s lives by promoting the Healthy Cell Concept and the highest principles of free enterprise.”

Long-term Objectives of the AIM Companies
To continue to produce only high quality products that make a difference in people´s lives. To provide a stable and growing business opportunity for entrepreneurial minded individuals. To Provide high quality service and support the efforts of independent AIM Members. To stimulate and encourage the growth of a network of Members who provide meaningful leadership to their family and friends, their business, and their community.

The AIM Core Values
Respect for the individual
“We believe that every person is worthy of respect because he or she has been created in the image of God and he or she has a unique contribution to make in improving quality of life.”
Commitment to Excellence
“Excellence is a journey of continual improvement, and we will do all that we can to increase the contribution we make to helping others enjoy a better quality of life.”
Dedication to Customer Service
“We always strive to meet the needs of our customers and assure a productive, long-term relationship.”
Success through Personal Initiative
“We give people an opportunity to enjoy the many benefits of being an AIM Member. However, success is something that cannot be given away; it must be discovered and achieved by each individual himself of herself.”

Healthy Cell Concept
The Healthy Cell Concept was developed to help people improve their lives by following some basic principles of good health. Good health involves more than just practicing good nutrition; good health is a combination of five factors. These factors are the five principles of the Healthy Cell Concept.
Cell Food
Everything our cells need can be found in pure, whole, natural, fresh foods.
Cell Exercise
Our cells need exercise to remain healthy. Exercise provides strength, flexibility, and mental alertness, and promotes overall good health.
Cell Environment
It is not only food and exercise that are important to our health; we must also consider the environment around us. The water we use and the air we breathe are important.
Cell Protection
Our bodies contain the best possible fighters against disease - our immune system . We must learn to help our immune system through rest, stress management, and the foods we eat.
Healthy Mental Attitude
It has been documented that a positive can make you feel better and even help you fight disease. laughter and happiness give us extra strength.
Healthy Business Opportunity
When a Member is interested in making AIM a part of his or her life, AIM does the utmost to help. The Healthy Business Opportunity was developed to communicate the concepts necessary to build a healthy business.
Meeting Customer Needs
Customers are the most important part of a business. Finding and keeping customers is a matter of meeting their needs.
Personal Productivity
You need both quantity and quality productivity for a successful business; in other words, you must be willing to work hard and be able to work smart.
Management of Resources
What resources do you need for a successful business? You need to manage your current and fixed assets and work well with others. AIM believes that good management should lead to fair profits for all, not maximized profits for a few.
Duplication of Efforts
You must work personally to succeed, but you also need a team. Duplication of efforts is seeing that your organization has people with different strengths and that all involved do their part. When this happens, you will find success.
Healthy Mental Attitude
The Healthy Business Opportunity realizes that a positive attitude is a key in a successful business. Defined goals, enthusiasm, flexibility, and tenacity all help lead to a good attitude.