Genealogy & Heraldry Of The
Francom Family

William Francom (b1815)
History Of Francom Family Name
The surname "Francom" is of nick name origin, derived from the from the Anglo-Norman French term "franchomme", meaning "free man", composed of the elements "franc" (free) and "homme" (man). The spelling has been altered as the result of folk etymological association with the common English place name ending "combe" and "ham". The old French spelling of Francom added the letters "b" or "be" to make it look like a place name. The association of the word "franc" with free is said to derive from the fact that in Frankish Gaul only those of the Frankish race enjoyed the status of free men. Surnames of nickname origin belong to that category which derive from a physical characteristic, personal attribute or status of the initial bearer. Therefore, the progenitor of the surname Francom would be someone who had attained the status of a freeman. The earliest hereditary of the Francom surname in England are found shortly after the Norman Conquest of England by William duke of Normandy by the Battle Of Hastings (October 1066) and are of Norman French origin rather than native English.
Several referance to the surname Francom and its variants appear in English records. The earliest reference is to Henry Le Franchomme, who resided in Hunts in 1273. The Francoms that now live in Canada and the United States are all desended from one family that emigrated from England in 1850's to South Africa and then, after contact with Mormon missionaries, emigrated to the Utah Territory in the 1870's.
Francom Family Heraldry
The English publication "Burke's General Armory" indicates the crest is a lion rampant in silver and gold with the shield colored silver and azure with six marklets countercharged.
Francom Family Histories
Francom History By Fern Dalby (1956) History001
Francom History Edited By Martin Francom History002
Memoirs Of Samuel Francom, Put On Paper In His 85th Year (1937). History003
Francom Mailing List. Mail List
Francom Family Ancestors Chronological Order:
Click on the name to bring up that individuals Family Group Sheet.
If you have any genealogical information about the Francom Clan, especially life stories and you would like to share the information. Please send me an E-mail message or you can FAX me the information (360) 377-3542. I will make this information available to any Francom looking for his/her genealogical history. Your contributions will be very much appreciated.
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