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"The Birdlady"
Avian Publications and Organizations
Below is a listing of several publications and organizations relating to Aviculture, and how to contact them. This is in no way a complete listing. If you have a publication or are a member of an organization you would like to have listed here, please e-mail me using the link to the left and I would be happy to include it.
Magazines available in the United States
Bird Talk
P.O. Box 57347
Boulder, CO 80322-7347
7-L Dundas Circle
Greensboro, NC 27407
NCS Magazine
P.O. Box1363
Avon, CT 06001-1363
ATTN: Cynthia Kiesewetter
Parrot World
8 North Hoffmann Lane
Hauppauge, NY 11788
AFA Watchbird (American Federation of Aviculture)
P.O. Box 56218
Phoenix, AZ 85079-6218
ASA Bulletin (Avicultural Society of America)
P.O. Box 2196
Redondo Beach, CA 90218
Magazines Available in the United Kingdom
Aviculture Magazine
Warren Hill, Hulford's Lane
Hartley Wintney
Hants RG27 8AG
Cage and Aviary Birds
IPC Magazines
King's Reach Tower-Stamford St.
London, UK SE1 9LS
The Parrot Society
108b Fenlake Road
Bedford MK42 OEU

National Cockatiel Society
P.O. Box 1363
Avon, CT 06001-1363
Attn: Cynthia Kiesewetter, Membership Secretary

International Aviculture Society
14415 Dabney Court
Spring Hill, FL 34610
Attn: Sallie Klink, Membership Chairperson