Northwest Swap Meets

Swap Meets

Puget Sound Photographic Collectors
Pictures! and more pictures.........This years show was another great sucess. We had a nice crowd and all enjoyed the show and the trading. Thanks to all who participated and to all of thoes who attended. We look forward to seeing you all next year if not sooner. for more information on the Puget Sound Photographic Collectors Society and our meetings, contact either Darrel at 206 244 6831, or Bill at 253-564-4046.
Here is bill and Matt.
Here is bill and Matt again.
More of Bill and Matt.
Darrel and Barbie's.
Mr hanemann's exhibit.
Hughson's Display.
Judging the exhibits.
More judging of displays.
Lot of nice displays.
another great display.
Lot of nice things.
The Londons at the show.
Matt receiving certificate at club meeting.
Matt receiving certificate at club meeting.
Matt receiving certificate at club meeting.
Matt speaking at club meeting
Matt speaking at club meeting
Our guest speaker!
Our guest
Matt and others
This is interesting!
Matt thaking Phone Questions
Just taking a break!
So this is a Stanhope,  but I know that.
Newman's display
Newman's display
Newman's display
Now this is collecting
Matt doing Radio Interview!
The judges at work
Welches display
Another nice display!
Portland Photographers' Form For information on this late Winter show contact at 503-557-9196. Western Canada Photographic Historical Association The Western Canada Photographic Historical Association conducts shows in Vancouver, Canada each year. Their address is: P O Box 78082, 2606 Commercial Drive, Vancouver B. C., Canada V5N5W1. For show reservations contact Siggi at 604-941-0300. Pro Photo Supply Pro Photo Supply conducts two shows each year in the Portland, Oregon area. They may be contacted at 503-241-1112.