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1st Posted: June, 1997 
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Amendments have been made to the Employment Act, 1955 - made effective from 1st August 1998.  I have posted a page on the amendments that are more significant to the lay-man and ordinary HR practitioner.

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As for the Q&A Pages, I will be updating them by and by ( a bit each week from now on,  I promise).  Amended Pages will be posted in white background and bigger fonts.... yahhh.. great for your eyes.

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Scope of the Employment Act 1955Updated
Contract of EmploymentUpdated
Wages - Payment and Deduction
Employment of Women
Rest Day Provisions
Public Holidays Provisions
Annual Leave Provisions
Sick Leave and Medical Benefits
Working Hours
Prolonged Illness Benefits
Termination and Lay-off Benefits

here's where youget to play some irritating games to relaxxxx(!?)your mind, or enjoy some of Murphy's and other guys' laws
A collection of Articles by Paul
[Click on the ball]

Handling Constructive Dismissal  (NST August 29, 1998)

JD Minus Job Analysis
(NST September 2, 1998)
Effective Training Programs      (NST - October 7, 1998)

Sights, Land & People
Business Info
doing business in Malaysia
Taxes, Land, Incentives, etc

Current Highlights
We have received this question frequently lately....

No employer may unilaterally act to reduce the pay of any employee. By doing so, he is violating the employee's contract of service. It does not matter if the employee comes under the scope of the Employment Act or not. If it happens to an employee who is under the protection of the Act, then the employee may seek remedy through any labour office. If it happens to an employee who is not, then the employee may take demand that his original salary to be restored, failing which he can claim constructive dismissal and seek reinstatement under the Industrial Relations Act, 1967.

If it is really necessarily to reduce the salaries of employees, then the employer should seek the consent of the employee. By sharing hard facts & information on the business, and showing employees the alternatives in a open and truthful manner, it is unlikely that any employee will want to see his employer go under, or to lose his job - it is more likely that the employee will give his consent and hope to see things through. 

And make sure that this consent is in written form.

One more poser thrown at us...
Does the Advice on Labour Laws apply to Sabah and Sarawak?

The points made under our Q&A on Labour Laws apply only to West Malaysia.  Sabah and Sarawak employees come under their own respective Labour Ordinances, which appears to protect "labourers" and not any job other that labourers.

Obligation To Notify Labour Office Before Retrenching.... 

The HR Minister's orders remain effective.  An employer who have plans to retrench an employee must notify the nearest labour office of his intentions one month in advance.  Failure to do so is an offence 

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Authored By : Chan Wang Tak
Copyright © June 1997 JBN Associates Sdn Bhd
First Posted  June 1997
Last Update:12th October 1998
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