Roger Sunshine Collectibles
1. "Smokie" - 1950's - Adams Company in Asbury Park, New Jersey made the originals like the one pictured, in several different dogs. These dogs had a small hole in its mouth into which you'd insert a small "cigarette". When you'd like the little cigarette, the dog would, as if by magic, blow smoke rings. These were so cool and so popular, you'd have to buy an extra supply of special cigarettes to amaze all your friends.
2. Pop Pop Boat - 1940's tin "FINA" boat, 4"- Mint, in original package, made in Japan. These have a little soda bottle cap re-made into a "boat captain". You put water into the "jet tubes", put a tiny candle in the spoon part, light the candle, and have 5 minutes of absolute amazement and joy as this boat runs around the bathtub, swimming pool or lake. Wow, does this one bring back good memories.
3. Dick Tracy Crimestoppers Set - 1961 - Issued by the Chicago Tribune and contains enough neat stuff to keep any crimestopper busy for a long time. Magnifier, great wood decoder, fingerprint pads, whistle, badge, ID card, and loads more.
4. Howdy Doody keychain, 1950's with instructions
5. Captain Video Game - 1950 - A board game by Milton Bradley & licensed by the Dumont Network. This game came with a stand-up panel which was the "dashboard" of the Captain's rocket ship. A very collectible game today. Always buy toys in the best condition you can afford!
6. Mickey Mouse Club Flicker Ring - 1950's - Says "Mickey Mouse Club", then flickers to a picture of Mickey & "MEMBER"
7. Woodstock Festival, original daily ticket to the August, 1969 classic rock & roll party.
8. The Duncan Black "Jeweled" Tournament Yo-Yo, circa 1950. We returned empty soda bottles, took paper routes, sold our old baseball cards & comics to get this beautiful gem of a yo-yo. The black jeweled is my personal childhood favorite. Often the edges are very well worn with some paint missing from "walking the dog" and other yo-yo tricks. Anybody remember the Duncan Yo-Yo Man coming to the local movie theater every year for demonstrations & contests? The contest winner patches are highly collectible now also. If you were REALLY lucky, you might even have had a Phillipino artist come to one of those shows & carve a palm tree or a bird on the back. Now you might get a box of popcorn for five bucks at the movies. Please, can't we turn the clock back or build a time machine?
9. Tom Corbett Space Cadet Lunch Box & Thermos, 1950's.
I'm not normally into lunch pails, but this one's an exception. They later made a blue version, but this is the one most wanted by collectors.
10. The Drinking Bird. This is a newer model. The originals from the 1940's actually had the chemical ether in the bulb, which aided in the reaction of the water in the glass to help the bird drink better. The new ones do work pretty well. You wet the head, place a small glass in front of the bird, and he'll "drink" from the glass. Can be seen in action in the movie "When Harry Met Sally" with Billy Crystal & Meg Ryan.
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