A DTP Reference & Resource Guide

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  • Example Portfolio
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  • Supplies & Stock
  • Promote Services
  • Customer Loyalty
  • DTP Resources For A Home-Based Business

    Desktop publishing is a highly competitive industry, and not for the insecure or easily discouraged.  It is going to require a determined effort to get established, and a greater effort to build customer loyalty.  The new Millennium brings another challenge to the DTP industry as more homes invest in a family PC, printer and software to replace your services.  In order to survive now, you have to be good!

    While there is less and less call for such items as business cards and flyers, there is still a large market for coil and staple bound manuals and booklets, laminated products, and specialty services that most PC user's are not equipped to handle.  One of the newest ventures for the desktop publisher is in vinyl signs using a vinyl cutting printer, which are available in three inch wide cutters using vinyl rolls to as large as you can afford.

    Desktop publishing is also affected by region and location, a smaller more intimate community will generate less work than a metropolis, but a rural area might generate more dedicated customers.  It is difficult to gauge how well a DTP venture is going to do until that region has been solicited and serviced.  The risks involved are ever increasing as the tools and software become more affordable and broadly available.  It is still a wonderful industry to be involved in, especially as a home-based business.

    NOTE! - Your success is going to be linked directly to your experience, software and tools, and your ability to sell yourself along with your product.

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