Nippur At The Center Of The World

Citizen of Nippur in cuneiform Assembly of Nippur in cuneiform

In the cities of Sumer, written documentation for political, administrative, and legal purposes was monopolized by a small elite group of professional scribes. Mastering their cuneiform (that is, wedge-shaped) writing system was quite a task. Above are the expressions for citizen of Nippur and the assembly of Nippur. The scribe pressed his stylus onto wet, clay tablets as he made use of a large number of characters to express the syllables, word signs and determinatives (word classifiers) of the Sumerian and Akkadian languages. This system was much more complex than our small group of Roman characters representing individual letters rather than full syllables or words.

The Situation of Nippur

Nippur was a substantial city for its time, although small by American standards of urban and suburban sprawl. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries B.C., cities were not easy-to-enter open sites on flat ground. They were set on natural and artificial hills and were surrounded by massive walls for protection. The larger geographical setting can be viewed at the Map of Sumer and Akkad. Prof. Peters, who began modern excavations at Nippur provides a brief description of Nippur's Location and Layout.

The life-giving Euphrates River came towards Nippur from the north and ran along the west side of the city. In addition, a large canal separated from the river on the north and flowed from northwest to southeast right through the middle of the city. The river was crucial to the city's existence not just because of its transportation value, but also because it was the main source of water for agricultural endeavors. Rainfall was inadequate for dry farming. An extensive irrigation system was necessary for the survival of Nippur.

The Dimensions of Nippur

The site of Nippur measures about a mile in length and about a half mile in width. You can get an idea of the layout of ancient Nippur from the Relief Map drawn up by the early archaeological team that began excavations at the site of Nippur. The city walls enclosed an area of about 135 hectares (almost 334 acres). About one fourth of the area within the city walls was devoted to impressive public buildings that attracted visitors from all over Sumer and Akkad. Outside the walls farmers cultivated the irrigated fields of grain and orchards. Pastoralists tended their flocks and herds.

Consider some comparisons on the dimensions of Nippur. Cuneiform writing courses (actually only learning to read is taught; the quality of the clay is not so good here) are still being taught at the Homewood campus of the Johns Hopkins University on the East Coast of the United States (more specifically Baltimore, Maryland). This university community only encompasses 140 acres, less than half the size of ancient Nippur. The university, however, is only a small part of the sprawling city of Baltimore, which covers over 50,000 acres (over 22,000 hectares).

The city of Nippur was extensively populated during the late third millennium B.C. when political affairs and economic life were centralized throughout the region under the authority of the city of Ur, a site down river a distance of a week or more. During these boom days under the patronage of the kings of Ur who gave considerable attention to Nippur as a religious center, the population may perhaps have reached forty thousand or so residents. This considerable population lacked the benefits and comforts of our electricity-based technology. Later, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries B.C., however, the population had contracted in size somewhat. The extreme south-southwestern part of the west side of the city was left vacant.

The Heritage of Nippur

Nippur already had a long tradition forty centuries ago. The site had been settled and continuously inhabited since about the forty-sixth century B.C., that is, sixty-six centuries before the present. Large temple establishments carried on the traditions and piety of Nippur. The religious quarter on the eastern side of the city was designated dur-an-ki, Sumerian for "the bond of heaven and earth."

This area was home to the worship of several major deities revered by the Sumerians and Akkadians. The head of the divine realm was Enlil. As the bestower of kingship, his recognition was crucial for any aspiring monarch. Beside his temple and kitchen stood a huge stepped tower with a shrine on the top stage. Such a tower was called a ziggurat. Other examples of this architecture, dedicated to other deities, are known to us from other Mesopotamian cities such as Ur and Babylon.

Not far from the Enlil temple and ziggurat was the great temple devoted to the worship of the goddess Inanna. A temple for the great god Ninurta was also nearby, although we cannot yet pin down its exact location. On the west side of the city was a temple for the worship of the healing goddess Gula. Numerous administrators and priestly functionaries were kept busy caring for divine worship services and all the offerings of animals, bread and cake, and oil as well as votive objects of permanent value.

The Political Allegiances of Nippur

The ancient residents of Nippur were well acquainted with political instability and fragmentation in their cultural sphere. Political unity and centralized economy could be imposed across the region for several decades, but eventually centralized power eroded. Various power centers would compete for recognition by other more or less independent cities. Recognition was shown to these centers by using the official commemorative names they issued for each year of their king's reign. An era-type of dating system, such as our B.C./A.D. scheme, was not in use in the region before the fourth century B.C. adoption of the Seleucid era. In the early second millennium B.C., Nippur gave its recognition in this way successively (more or less) to the power centers of Isin, Larsa, and Babylon. Nippur itself was never a royal capital.

A Cooking Establishment at Nippur

During the early second millennium B.C., a food preparation establishment was located in the southeastern section of Nippur on the western side of the city. In residential/commercial buildings bakers kept busy preparing grain with their grinding stones and baking bread in their ovens. They kept cuneiform records on clay tablets of their production and delivery of bread. The bakers did not only serve bread; they also served meat from cattle, sheep, goat, pig, fowl, fish, and turtle. Their customers apparently included various religious establishments in the city as well as the large construction crews working on the city walls.

More on Nippur

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