Erasmus Compositor on Composition

Good writing skills are elusive today due to inadequate English instruction in American public and private schools and even colleges. Attention spans on average have gotten shorter also. Television viewers become unconsciously dependent on rapid camera angle changes used to constantly refresh the viewer's attention. Trying to maintain attention in the real world is more difficult and boredom sets in more quickly. We cannot solve these deep structural problems, but we can encourage and help our visitors to write more clearly in their working world. First consider a few common errors to avoid and then some links for more help.

Don't let your tongue trip up your pen!

Certain words in English are identical in speech, but very different in meaning. Be sure to distinguish them clearly in writing.

Maintain historical spellings. The English language has a habit of preserving a word's history in its spelling, even though the pronunciation may not now seem to match the spelling. What sounds and seems logical may be incorrect! The English language is very complex, traditional, and slow to change. Modernized spellings and phonetic renderings are adopted slowly. Don't run ahead of the pack.

Review the rules of style!

Take a look at these authoritative (if not dictatorial) guides on good style. They are clear and concise.

Check out a useful link!

A Grammar, Composition, Editing, Proof-Reading Resource invites grammar, composition, research and formatting questions. Web author Linda DeVore also offers several good, substantial links to dig deeper into matters of composition and grammar. Check this site out at

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This page was edited on 5 April 2001. Email is welcomed by Erasmus Compositor. © 1997-2001 Erasmus Compositor, P.O. Box 25958, Baltimore, MD 21224.