Erasmus Compositor

Renaissance Interests: Communications Ancient and Modern

Erasmus Compositor offers this site to promote multiple interests in communications with meaning and value.

Erasmus Compositor was registered as a business in 1991. The focus since then has been on providing in the Greater Baltimore Metropolitan area such services as graphic design, editorial assistance, résumé development. At the same time I was still pursuing graduate-level research on ancient Near Eastern culture, bureaucracy, and religion as revealed by the many cuneiform clay tablets recovered and published in the last century or so. The center of the Sumerian world for me is ancient Nippur. In addition I had an interest in methodology in religious studies, particularly the insights provided by Peter Berger in the sociology of knowledge and by Mircea Eliade in the history of religions or phenomenology. These religious interests can be found at the Lecture Hall.

This site tries to promote these various interests of mine. My fascination with html did not stop with my first site here, but prompted me to portray my cuneiform interests also at Fortune City as the old Sumerian scribe, Dubsar. Finally I took the plunge and registered my own domain under the name of Dubsar. At my own domain, I devote attention to Graphic Design, and to the Nippur Quay, a wonderful Bronze Age business district.

Designing, editing, writing, and networking are vital to professional life today. On this site, you can find some helpful suggestions on improving your communications.

Finding Oneself in Business

The choice of a meaningful business name can help define and express the mission and character of the business. The use of one's personal name for the business name conveys nothing about the experience, strengths, or services of the business. When Erasmus Compositor was launched, the name was chosen as a conversation starter and as a symbol of the firm's character and commitment in offering its services to the public. Learn about the spirit of the contemporary Erasmus Compositor and about the original historic humanist scholar Erasmus in the Inspiration of Erasmus.

Erasmus Compositor on Composition

Take a look at some thoughts on Good Composition. What do you think? Suggestions, further insight, additional links welcome! I also have a few thoughts on beginning in Desktop Publishing.

Erasmus Compositor Wonders about the New Millennium

Do you know what year this is? You might be surprised. Do you know when we really entered the twenty-first century and the third millennium? Our modern glitches are matched by some ancient glitches. Find out when we are today, if this makes sense. Take a look at our Millennial Confusion.

Intellectually Speaking, Some Readings

When we stumble through the present in a hurry to reach the future with no clues about the past, we are bound to constantly repeat the errors of judgment and make the same short-sighted decisions as many others before us. The past deserves more serious and thoughtful attention than it usually gets. An uncontrolled lust for scientific progress at the beginning of our century brought forth bitter and wretched fruit. Consider this speech made in 1918 by a great scholar and student of ancient language, history and culture. Let me know what you think of Professor Jastrow's hopes for better priorities.

Professional Networks 40 Centuries Ago

Communicating and networking are not new to our century. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries B.C. numerous professionals were busy carrying out specialized responsibilities at the center of the world. They lived and worked in a revered metropolis with an immensely long tradition. Their city was considered the bond of heaven and earth.

You can visit a couple pages on this site devoted to the city of Nippur, the center of ancient Sumerian culture and religion, by using the following menu. Or you can go to my main site by clicking on the notebook below.

Visit a great business district in the Bronze Age, the Nippur Quay.

Lecture Hall

Visit the Lecture Hall to see help pages for undergraduate college courses that I teach.

Email is welcomed by John Mitchell. Please view and sign my guestbook by pushing the buttons below. Thanks! © 1998-2001 Erasmus Compositor, P.O. Box 25958, Baltimore, MD 21224.

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Thanks for visiting. This web site was edited on 7 April 2001.