Welcome to the Itty Bitty Kitty Katterie Home Page and thank you for the opportunity to provide you with information regarding the Munchkin. The genetic background of the breed is not widely understood and there are many misconceptions and incorrect assumptions (i.e., that these cats suffer from spinal problems) circulating within the cat fancy regarding Munchkins.
The Munchkin is a naturally occurring cat breed characterized by unusually short legs. A spontaneous change in the genetic heritage of the cat has introduced a gene similar to that seen in the Basset Hound, Corgi and Dachshund, which the Munchkin closely resembles. The Munchkin is a product of nature rather than a man-made breed. Because of the autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, a cat with the Munchkin gene will produce kittens with the same short legs.
So far has been determined, Munchkins appear to be healthy cats without any unusual problems. Despite the short legs, Munchkins run extremely quickly, bounding like ferrets at full speed. They are able to climb trees and curtains as well as any other cat. However, they do not jump as high because the shorter back legs do not give the same degree of leverage. Although Munchkins can easily jump up on the bed or a chair, the kitchen counter top is not always attainable. Whether this is a significant disadvantage depends on one's individual point of view.
Although the Munchkin is amusing to watch and the body resembles a ferret more than a cat, the personality is all cat and then some. Several of the Munchkins have shown "magpie" tendencies, loving to hide caches of small objects such as watches, hair bows, and pens under furniture for future play. They readily accept a harness and leash and seem to enjoy taking their owners for walks. This provides an excellent opportunity for the well-trained owner to meet new friends as a Munchkin at the other end of the leash always attracts attention. The Munchkin is very sociable and enjoys company. Friendly and self-assured, the Munchkin gets along well with other cats, dogs, and people. Despite the short legs, the Munchkin is definitely not shortchanged in either personality or intelligence.