Angels are everywhere.
They manifest their love through every heart,
every honest smile, every act of kindness,
every constructive thought.

ABRAXAS: ANGEL OF MAGIC - As ruler of the heavens and the earth, Abraxas literally embodies the Hermetic axion"As above, so below." He has with himself the ability to take the spiritual and manifest in the material. You, too, have this power - you must first recognize it within yourself. Consider his attributes: relentless driving power or unbending intent, vigilant wakefulness, articulated thought, wisdom, and prudence combined with powerful energies. These are all within you. Thus, you can make magical changes in our world with your own abilities. When you attain knowledge, what you think and what you believe become manifest through your actions. This is the most powerful when you let go of the need to classify and judge, and like Abraxas, experience transendence, an experience that is most easily attained through the practice of meditation.

GABRIEL: ANGEL OF REVELATION - Gabriel stands at the threshold to the gateway to the mysteries and to higher consciousness. He is ready to reveal secrets and to serve as your guide and protector as you enter the higher realms. He reminds you to look to your dreams for answers, and to rely on your intuition. He rules over what is hidden, and so you must look into the depths and read between the lines. Gabriel heralds the revealing of answers. He aslo points out when answers are in front of you; they just seem to be hidden. Have you asked the right questions?

MARY: QUENN OF ANGELS - Your endeavors quicken in the womb, ripen and bear fruit; you are blessed with abundance. You are blessed by maternal protective forces or influences. You are grounded in the material plane, which is stabilzing influence, yet you can reach into higher planes of consciousness.

METATRON: KING OF ANGELS - The King of Angels is a heavy grounding and stablizing influence. His appearance shows that you are protecting your domain - the abundance brought forth by the Queen of Angels. In so doing, you can be fierce, wise and firm, and confident in your powers, or you may enlist the protection of someone more powerful than yourself. But you must not get carried away and become domineering or tyrannical. You bring an intellectual outlook to any situation, and are able to weigh the sides and make a fair decision. Yet, you are connected to the realm of spirit.

RAPHAEL: ANGEL OF HEALING - Raphael represents a healer, such as a doctor, or a therapist. Perhaps you are the healer; you have acquired wisdom through experience, and knowledge is healing. Now you may be in a position to share your wisdom and heal others. Physical illness may be an opportunity for spiritual growth. Our higher selves may use illness to prod us along the ascent. The wisest medicine is to accept the challenge and avoid the prod. Therefore the best doctor helps us to avoid illness before it starts.

More guardian will be added weekly.
by Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Robert Michael Place