Introduction To The Archives Page
You've reached my favorite part of this web site!!! Jokes the
way I like them, low down and dirty!! But first, down to the official
You must be 18 years of age to read this material.
Now, I don't know if you are or not, so we're gonna
work it on the honor system.
If you are over 18 years of age or older,
and your parents (or spouces) allow you to laugh
out loud to funny content,
then read on.
Some of these jokes contain foul language and explicit
sexual situations
(Bondage, Scatological, Etc.)
If this offends you, or if you are not over 18 years of
age then, LEAVE NOW!!!
(You can leave now by hitting the "EXIT" button below,
which will take you back to my Homepage.)
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!(Oops, I hit the Caps Lock - Sorry.)
Phew!!! Now that that's out of the way,
let's continue.
Otherwise... Click on the "ENTER" button below for the
Weekly Jokes Archives Page!
Yaakov :-)
Yaakov Radin
The Weekly Jokes E - Mail List
 JayRadin@Iname.Com .
Day Time Phone: (718) 270-8906
Fax: (718) 270-8916
AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name: Yaakov 32
© Jay Radin
"This Week's Jokes!" Is Copyright © 2002 By Jay Radin & Shirei Achim Productions, Inc.
All Rights Reserved Worldwide. So There!!!
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