Hey!,Folks call me Charloh,but am Charles!.I live  in  Nairobi, Kenya.It is a city ,used 2 be called one under the sun. But now it's Nairobi Nway..We are  in the East coast of Africa.
Never forget the simple things
In life....
Old age must cherish only quietude,
A heart's untouched by wordly cares.
For myself I have no long-term strategy
Except returning to native woods.
There, my sash unloosened in the pine tree breezes,
I shall play the zither on moonlit mountain.
You ask about the nature of success and failure:
From the river, deep, a fisherman's song drift to shore.:)

During my free time i  watch soccer,i like watching drama shows on tv, reading the Bible,Swimming,having fun with friends and listening to music,More so, a  good listener to REAL people.

A BIG SHOUT to Charles Mogeni of Minnesota,Sidi,and the Westside crew.God loves u guyz.Thanks for being real buddies.Stay in touch and keep it real.
``Judge me  O  God,and plead my cause against an ungodly nation ,Oh deliver me from the deceitiful and unjust man.For thou art the God of my strength ,why should you cast me off?why go i mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?Oh send out thy light and thy truth:let them lead me,and let them bring me into thy holy hill and to thy tabernacles.'' Psalms 43:1-3


Through me
let there be kind words, a warm smile, and a caring heart.

Through me
let there be a willingness to listen and a readiness to understand.

Through me
let there be dependability, steadfastness, trust and loyalty.

Through me
let there be compassion, forgiveness, mercy and love.

Through me
let there be every quality I find, O Lord, in Thee.
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P.o.Box 60184,City SQ. Nairobi,