Welcome to the Portia De Rossi Online Guestbook! Please take a moment to sign in, share your thoughts about the site and a thing or two about Portia De Rossi (if you have time left over)! But keep it clean for the kids that visit, okay? Thanks...

- 10/19/00 15:51:50
My Email:naeema@worldonline.fr
Your Favorite Portia Movie?: Ally McBeal
Your Favorite Ally McBeal Episode?: 2.02

Portia is the best actress i have ever seen Can u tell me when she will come in France? Thank you Thank Portia

- 10/19/00 15:51:17
Your Favorite Portia Movie?: Ally McBeal
Your Favorite Ally McBeal Episode?: 2.02

Portia is the best actress i have ever seen Can u tell me when she will come in France? Thank you Thank Portia

TONY - 09/14/00 00:39:31
Your Favorite Portia Movie?: STIGMATA
Your Favorite Ally McBeal Episode?: I HATE ALLY McBEAL


Chris - 08/31/00 13:52:35
My Email:christiankelemen@gmx.de
Your Favorite Portia Movie?: All
Your Favorite Ally McBeal Episode?: All

I think seh is one of the best actress in the world. And her hair and the smile are wonderful

pica - 08/22/00 15:25:48
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:pica_2222@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Portia Movie?: don't know
Your Favorite Ally McBeal Episode?: when her and John were fighting

I LOVE her on Ally McBeal, and can't wait till next season!!

Mia - 08/06/00 03:50:20
My URL:http://bubs-portiaderossi-fanatic.homepage.com/index.html
My Email:portiaderossifanatic@white-star.com
Your Favorite Portia Movie?: Sirens= and All of them
Your Favorite Ally McBeal Episode?: You never can tell

cool site Im portias # 1 fan thanks bye

D.P - 08/05/00 12:37:20
My URL:http://www.tetra2000.totalserve.co.uk
My Email:pricey@wlv.ac.uk
Your Favorite Portia Movie?: Scream 2
Your Favorite Ally McBeal Episode?: Angels & Blimps

Top site. Check out my site for Portia / Ally McBeal wallpapers & other desktop stuff.

Ben - 06/16/00 22:18:02
My URL:http://get.to/portia
Your Favorite Portia Movie?: Stigmata
Your Favorite Ally McBeal Episode?: They eat horses

Top site, keep up the good work.

KW - 05/30/00 16:41:01
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/KW98/index.html
My Email:knnywng@hotmail.com

Nice site you have here... the designs and eye-pleasing... unlike mine. Good luck on your new web venture. KW

eurekaevan - 05/25/00 06:02:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/eurekaevan
My Email:eurekaevan@yahoo.com
Your Favorite Portia Movie?: Sirens
Your Favorite Ally McBeal Episode?: Love Unlimited

Granted, this IS a shrine. Sure, I think Portia De Rossi is the HOTTEST woman from downunder. And yes, if she asked me to, I would do just about ANYthing. But enough about me... what's on YOUR mind?

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