Listed below are prices of Scottish and Irish Bagpipes and accessories
made by some of the best known Bagpipe makers. They have been making Bagpipes
since the 1920. The drones and chanter of each set haave high quality polished
bores and good tone.
Highland Bagpipes
These makers have been making Bagpipes since 1920. Each Bagpipe
From The Highland Pipe company is made of Black Ebony.
#1. Fully mounted with Engraved Sterling Silver,
Thistle Pattern. $1,800
#2. Half Mounted with Engraved Sterling Silver and Imitation Ivory.
#3. Half mounted with Imitation Ivory and Plain Sterling Silver.
#4. Fully Mounted with Engraved Nickel Silver. $625. picture
#5. Half mounted with Engraved Nickel Silver and Imitation Ivory.
#6. Fully mounted with Plain Nickel Silver. $550
#7. Mounted with Full Imitation Ivory. $550
#8. Half Mounted with Imitation Ivory and Nickel Plated Knobs.
Military Pattern Highland Bagpipes or Chamber Style.
Made from Ebony by The Highland Pipe Co.
#22. Half Mounted with Engraved Sterling Silver and Imitation Ivory.
#23. Mounted with Full Engraved Nickel Silver. $625. picture
#24. Mounted with Full Imitation Ivory. $550
#25. Half mounted with Imitation Ivory and Engraved Nickel Silver.
#26. Half Mounted with Imitation Ivory and Nickel Silver. $550
#27. Mounted with Engraved Nickel Silver and Wooden scrolls. $550.
#28. Mounted with Nickel Silver and Wooden Scrolls. $500 (Traditional
Made by Highland Pipe Co.
#31. Two Drones with Half Engraved Sterling Silver and imitation
Ivory. $750
#32. Same as above but Full Imitation Ivory. $450. picture
#33. Half Mounted with Nickel Silver and Imitation Ivory. $435
Practice Chanters
Made By The Highland Pipe Co
pc#24. Mounted with Engraved Sterling Silver. $250
pc#25. Half Mounted with Imitation Ivory and Engraved Sterling
Silver. $170
pc#26. Mounted with Full Engraved Nickel Silver. $100
pc#27. Half Mounted with Engraved Nickel Silver and Imitation Ivory.
pc#28. Mounted with Full Imitation Ivory. $95
pc#29. Mounted with Plain Nickel Silver. $95
pc#30. Mounted with Imitation Ivory and Nickel Silver. $95
All accessories are made by the Highland Pipe Company
Goose Sets
Comes with Bag, Blowpipe and Chanter
#12. Full Imitation ivory mounts. $195
#13. Imitation Ivory and Nickel Silver mounts. $195
Highlane Pipe Chanter Reeds
#87. Pipe Chanter reeds, Spanish Cane. $3.50 ea
#88. Practice chanter reeds, Spanish Cane. $3.50 ea
#89. Pipe or Practice chanter reeds, Pakistani Cane. $2.00 ea
#90. Plastic Practice chanter reeds. $2.00
Drone Reeds
#91. 2 Tenor, 1 Bass drone, Spanish Cane. $3.50
#92. 2 Tenor, 1 Bass. Pakistani Cane. $2.00
Bagpipe Banners
#93. Silk, Both sides, any color with Silk fringe. $200.00
#94. Tartan, woollen both sides, Any clan or Single color. $100.00
NOTE-Regimental Crest, Arms, Titles and Honors embroidered in Gold,
Silver and Silk. Prices quoted on receipt of Particulars and Design.
Bagpipe Mouthpieces
#95. Mounted with Imitaion Ivory and Sterling Silver knob Engraved
with Thistle design, with Black Ebonite tip. $75.00
#96. The same as above but Chased design. $65.00
#97. Vulcanite, Mounted with Sterling Silver Knob, Chased Design,
Ebonite Tip. $70.00
#98. Vulcanite, Plain. $15.00
#99. Ebony Wood. $18.00
Leather Pipe Bags
#100. Hand Sewn, Chrome leather bag. $50.00
#101. Hand Sewn, White double leather bag. $70.00
#102. Hand Sewn, plain leather bag. $45.00
#103. Hand Sewn, White leather bag. $45.00
#104. Hand Sewn, Goat skin bag. $30.00
Bag Covers
#105. Tartan, Woollen Cover (almost) any Clan, with fringe. $25.00
#106. Rifle Green, Woolen Cover, with fringe. $25.00
#107. Rifle Green Serge Cloth cover, with fringe. $20.00
#108. Ordinary Cover with Fringe. $15.00
#109. Under Cover, Drill Cloth. $10.00
Bagpipe Ribbons
#110. Tartan Silk, (almost any) clan. $20.00
#111. Rifle Green or any other single color. $20.00
#112. Same as above, but wool. $15.00.
Bagpipe Cords
#113. Tartan or Plain Silk cords. $25.00
#114. Tartan, wool, any clan. $15.00
#115. Rifle green wollen, double, or any color. $12.00
#116. Plain rifle green, wool. $8.00
Other Accessories for the Bagpipe
#117. Wooden Bagpipe Case, cloth covered, fitted with clips and
handle. $40.00
#118. Yellow hemp, large ball. $10.00
#119. White or brown hemp. $10.00
#120. Bag Seasoning. $8.00
#121. Tartan or Dark green fringe (per Yard). POA
Highland Uniforms and Accessories
#47. Piper's and Dummer's Plaid, All Wool, any Tartan. $100.00
#48. "
" Any Single Color. $100.00
#49. Shoulder Brooch, Chased Chrome, plated with crest in center.
#50. Same as above but plain chrome. $35.00
#51. Spats, white canvas with strap, full size. $30.00
#52. Same as above but half size. $30.00
#53. Epaulets, any color, woolen backing, with gold or silver
stripes, with fringe. $20.00
#54. "
" Any woolen tape stripes, "
". $20.00
#55. Same as above without fringe.
#56. Kilts, Woolen, any clan (almost) or single color. (Send Measurements).
#57. Highlander's Glengarry or Balmoral, any design, color, size.
#58. Cross Belts, Black or White Leather, Chased mounts separably
fitted on chrome plated buckel slide and tip. $45.00
#59. Same as above but a waist belt. $45.00
Drum Sticks and Accessories
#157. Side Drum sticks, Made of Ebony wood with sterling silver
Engraved Regimental Crest. $200.00
#157. Same as above but with Nickel Silver Engraved Crest. $100.00
#158. Side drum sticks, made of Ebony with Nickel Silver mount,
Plain. $65.00
#159. Same as above but Plain Ebony. $25.00
#160. Same as above but Rosewood. $10.00
#161. Same above but Plain white wood. $6.00
Arm Badges
#179. Brass Polished
"Piper, Bandsmen, Drummer, Bugler". $15.00
#180. Nickel Plated
". $15.00
#181. Sterling Silver plated "
". $25.00
#182. White cloth on Silk "
". $35.00
Drum Major's Staves
#183. Sterling Silver Head, Hall-Marked, with Crown and Regimental
Crest in repousse and Gold Gilt. Ebony Stick mounted with silver plated
chain, Silver plated ferrule, and steel shod. $1000
#184. Same as above but Silver plated head and Malacca Cane stick,
steel shod. $400.00
#185. Polished Brass head and Crown, Band title and badge Embosed,
Malacca cane stick fitted with long brass ferrule, steel shod. $400.00
#186. Same as 185 but wthout crown. $200.00
Drum Major's Parade Canes
#187. Ebony wood Mounted with 4 1/2 sterling silver head engraved
and embosed with regumental crest, 6" long Nickel Silver plated ferrule,
Steel shod, Plated with colored cord and tassels, length, 36" or 40". $350.00
#188. Same as above but Malacca cane. $250.00
#189. Same as 187 but Nickel Silver. $200.00
Drum Major's and Drummers Gloves
#190. Drum Major's Gauntlet Gloves, White Buff Leather, Size 7,8,9
and 10. $35.00
#191. "
", Black or Brown, "
". $35.00
#192. Drummer's Thin Buff Gauntlet Gloves. $35.00
Various styles of mounts are also available such as, Brass, Aluminum,
Boxwood, Satin Wood, English made Imitation Ivory,
or anything that you can supply.
Highland Pipe Company
All Bagpipes are now a modern pattern to match the newer chanter.
The old large bore pattern is still available upon request. Each
item above is tested and tuned and will be ready to play upon arrival.
A discount is available for orders of three or more bagpipes ordered at
the same time..
Each set is made by the Origional Highland Pipe Company in Sialkot.
I have sent this maker all tools required for making high quality bagpipes
and I have sent the some of the Highest quality bagpipes to reproduce at
a less expensive price, so that all people anyone can afford a good quality
bagpipe. Any item with Sterling Silver takes is a longer wait than Nickel
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