The Ismaili Hunza Pipe Band was extablished in 1951 by some of the social and actice members belonging to Hunza who were residing in Karachi. Initially, it started working by the name of "Ismaili Badakhshani Platinum Jubilee Hunza Band". The mail objective behind it, was to serve the community and unite the people of Hunza on one platform. Despite non-availability of recources and many other hardships, it's founding members worked very hard and finally were able to make their dream come true. Darvesh Ali, Shayo, Tahir Shah, Ali Yaman, Ibadat Shah and Akbar Khan are known to be the founders of the Band.
Later the band was registered with his Highness the Aga Khan Shia Imami Ismaili Council for Garden, Karachi and the Ismaili Association for Scouts, Guides, Bands and Orchestras. Under the rules and regulations set by the Ismaili Council, marriages and other civiv finctions are attended within, and outside, the community and display band on reasonable charges. It's accountes are audited annually by leading auditig firms and reports are submitted to the aforesaid Council. All it's income goes toward community development in the shape of donations. The Managing committee strictly on merit approves donations. Besides this, events on National days and other occasions e.g. receiving international dignitaries are attended free of charge, on written request of the government body. The Hunza Pipe Band was the only Band to be selected by the local government for recieving Queen Elizabeth II at Mazar-e-Quaid Azam in Karachi on October 9th, 1997. Similarly, the band has had the houner of recieving a number of international distinguished guests in Pakistan. The Band also participated in the inauguration ceremony of the Ismaili Centre in London in 1979.