
[ A Bundle of Cash ]

Making Money with your Web Page

If you want to add to this list or have any other suggestions or comments... drop me a line.

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You're finally finished creating your web page.  Why should your efforts go unrewarded?  There are many companies on the web that want to advertise on your web page.  Here's your chance to make a little something for your efforts.

To make the most of your affiliation select a sponsor that can be incorporated into your content. If your site has a car theme, an appropriate affiliate could be auto.com. If your site laments the follies of being single, you may want to include a link to a matchmaking service.

In addition to the content of your page, think about the needs of your visitors. Remember not to limit your thinking.  For example, do your visitors tend to be self employed? If so could they benefit by having a link to purchase their office supplies, insurance, or finding quality employees.

One affiliate that I really like is Surfree.com.  Their payment plan is simple and the approval time is quick.  This is an affiliate that can fit on any site as anyone visiting your site requires internet service.  You can accentuate the low price of $14.95/month or you can accentuate their 24 hour service.

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Another good affiliate to have your site is one-and-only network.  You can create your own matchmaking service for your visitors whether they are looking for love, or just a pen-pal.  This is a fun affiliate to have on your site.  They will work with you to create a profitable relationship for both you and them.

Auctions are growing in popularity. UTrade is one of the fastest growing auction sites on the web. You might want to get in on the action here.

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Are you looking to gain more visitors to your site?  There are services that allow you to exchange banners, giving you more visability. Link exchange or WebPost are two of these services. Basically, you agree to display their banner in exchange for credit to have your banner posted on another members site.

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Evaluate which affiliate would best suite your site. Most affiliates, understandably, don't want you to advertise for their competitors, so think before you select.  Do your viewers want a link to a specific book? Which one do you choose, Amazon.com or Barnesandnoble.com?  They both sell books.  Amazon.com also sells music. Would that create a conflict with CDNow.  CDNow sells music, but they also sell movies. Barnesandnoble.com also sell software and magazines. Do you see the dilemma?

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