"Unsurpassed Excellence in Water Technology"

Serving all of NH and New England

If you prefer silence, click the right hand button.
"The Rain Song"
Led Zeppelin

Comac Pump & Well, located in Southern New Hampshire, is a full service company that satisfies all of your water needs from start to finish. We strive to maintain our professional reputation to serve our customers with the utmost quality and service available. From our office to onsite, our friendly personnel work with you to accomplish your goals.
As an outstanding member of the New Hampshire Water Well Association, we provide expertise in many areas of the water industry.
We are dedicated to servicing and accomodating homeowners, home buyers, builders and realtors, in all situations, including residential, commercial, industrial or municipal.

How to find us:

KINGSTON, NH: (603) 642-3683

SALEM, NH: (603) 898-4861

MANCHESTER, NH: (603) 626-1274

PLAISTOW, NH: (603) 382-5951

ROCHESTER, NH: (603) 335-8077

EPPING, NH: (603) 679-4347


Financing Available.

Scott Costa is currently serving as president of the NH Water Well Association.
Outstanding members of the Better Business Bureau

Artesian Wells
Water Conditioning and Filtration
Troubleshooting, Staff & Equipment
Our Customers & NH Water Well Association


This web site created by DACweb 1998.

"Clouds"background courtesy of Windy's Fashionable Pages.

Until January 1, 2000