
Gem tourmaline occurs in an unlimited range of colors.Tourmaline's spectrum also includes dual hues,called bi-colored gems.The name tourmaline is from the Sinhalese word turmali meaning mixed gems.Lore says that tourmaline aids against misfortune and protects travelers against falls.Tourmalines are popular stones for jewelry because they are available in so many different colors and are an affordable alternative to the more expensive emerald, ruby and sapphire.Tourmaline is the Anniversy Stone for the eighth wedding celebration and shares the October birthstone slot with opal. Notable sources include Brazil, California, Maine, Afghanistan,and Madagascar.

Popular Varieties

Loosely applied to stones in the pink to red range.Fine quality is moderately scarce and expensive.
Blue or blue-green--moderately scarce and expensive in fine qualities.
Chrome Tourmaline
Gem quality stones are a fine intense green and fairly expensive.
Bicolor Or Tricolor
These stones have multiple color zones and are highly prized when colors are well divided and vivid.
Watermelon Tourmaline
These stones have a red central core surrounded by green resembling the cross section of a watermelon.Often cut in thin slices to show colors to best advantage.


Optic Character: DR,uniaxial negative
Refractive Index: 1.62-1.644
Specific Gravity: 3.06
Crystal Structure: Hexagonal
Inclusions: Red, blue, and green frequently contain irregular, threadlike liquid and gas inclusions.

Care And Durability

Cleaning Methods:
ultrasonic: risky
steamer: risky
warm soapy water: safe
Hardness: 7 to 7.5
Stability: reaction to heat may alter color