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Teachers may call 1-800-MRS FIELDS for their free "One Smart Cookie Club" kit.
Mrs. Fields Cookies started 1999 off with a bang with the launch of its One Smart Cookie Club program. The national campaign promoting positive behavior and achievement in the classroom will reach nearly 21,000 elementary schools across the country. Debbi Fields, founder of Mrs. Fields, has personally kicked-off this program at schools across the country.
Debbi Fields has kicked off this program designed to motivate children to reach their goals. In doing so, she uses herself as an example that nothing is impossible.
The name of the program is the One Smart Cookie Club. "One Smart Cookie" also is the name of her success story, published by Simon and Shuster in 1987.
The One Smart Cookie Club was designed to promote goal achievement in areas that teachers feel are most important for their particular students. The One Smart Cookie Club program allows students to become a "Smart Cookie" by attaining a goal that they set with their teacher, giving ALL children the opportunity to be a "Smart Cookie".
The goals could relate to reading a certain number of books, accomplishing a project, attendance or anything else educators deem as worthy goals.
Once a student becomes a Smart Cookie by attaining the goal, they receive a card good for one free cookie from any Mrs. Fields Cookie stores or Original Cookie Company stores. The student can then proudly display their name on a poster in the classroom as a member of the One Smart Cookie Club.
In addition to the students "sweet reward," the One Smart Cookie Club also provides this incentive program for teachers to use in their classrooms. It's another way to keep kids focused on their goals and encourages them to work even harder toward achieving them.
At the beginning of one recent school presentation, Fields asked the children how many of them like cookies. Every arm was raised, which was a good indication that this program offers a strong incentive.
"I’m not talking about any little cookies," Fields told the children. "You’ll get a giant one!"
The children all oohed and aahed when they heard that. What’s more, Fields brought a bag of cookies for each and every one of them, which she passed out at the end of her talk. She encouraged the children to try new things and not to be hasty with their judgments until they have given something a try.
As a child, it wasn’t a cookbook that most inspired her. It was the story "The Little Train that Could." "Everyone told me it would never work," Fields said about her dream to operate a successful international dessert empire. "They said it was a stupid idea. That book inspired me to open more than 1,000 stores."
"The Little Train that Could" was a story that every child identified with, as witnessed by a show of hands in the audience.
"Mine is a story of believing in your dreams, loving what you do and never giving up," Fields told the children. The fact that she loves her life’s vocation is apparent in her presentation to children.
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