Custom Amish made Furniture
Replica birdhouses
Carlin and Peggy Sperry
Box 102
Jamesport, Missouri 64648

We are now making a line of custom made furniture.  Choose what you  need and we will build it for you. 
Entertainment centers, computer cabinets, storage units, bathroom pieces, kitchen island units and lots more.
Affordable prices -- many paint choices
Bring in your dream and we will build it for you.
made by Peggy
We have been in Jamesport for 13 years.  We began as an antique shop and have expanded  to include a gift and decorating shop dba "Carlyles".  We have a line of custom made furniture designed and finished  by Carlin, built by Amish carpenters.   Much of the furniture is taken to the New England states and sold.  As we haul the furniture east, we enjoy the traveling and the changing seasons.
I, Peggy, operate the shop and 10 years ago I started building birdhouses that look like people's houses,churches,cabins and other buildings that people want to remember.  They are made from recycled lumber, are signed, dated and numbered. I have made over one thousand and they are spread throughout the United States, Canada, and I have one in the Smithsonian. As I help with the furniture at times and  do all of the bookwork for the businesses, keep house and enjoy my grandchildren, I don't have time  to do much building anymore.
made by Carlin
We have two daughters.  They both live in the area with their families.  The oldest, Carlena is an art teacher.  She was selected STARR teacher for a year and spends her time going from school to school in Northwest Missouri teaching the teachers new concepts. Our youngest daughter, Dana, is an R.N. and works at Wright Memorial Hospital in Trenton, Missouri
We belong to the First Baptist Church in Pattonsburg and the Jamesport Community Association and are strong supporters of the growth  of Jamesport and the surrounding community.
made by Carlin
                                                                                  UPCOMING EVENTS

             November 24 & 25, 2000
                       Craft Show
                     Cookie Walk
buy homemade cookies by the pound)
Lots of holiday decorations on display and lots more.

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