Welcome to the Home Pages of PHYTOCLONE
for Orchids, Anthuriums, Plant Hormones and Books.



Company profile:
Started in 1990 this lab has a range of products and services for plant lover. Sells
cultured plants (orchids, anthuriums, foliage plants, bananas etc.) plant hormones, books
on floriculture and tissue culture, conducts course in plant tissue culture, offers
ions in tissue culture and floriculture
Who runs it:
Dr.G.Jose Kudakasseril
Ph.D. in plant physiology from the University of New Hampshire, U S A, post
research at the University of Minnesota, U S A, has worked as visiting professor at
Kenyon College, Ohio, U S A, scientist at CFTRI, Mysore, India, lecturer at K. C. College,
Bombay, India. Has published many research papers and books in tissue culture and